Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Qi and things

From: Richard Sharpe <realrichardsharpe@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 03:58:48 -0700
On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 3:56 AM, Wolfgang
Spraul<wolfgang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Richard,
>> The Qi Ben would seem to have some promise as a language learning tool
>> that I have been thinking of for some time and given the number of
>> people trying to learn Mandarin, could prove interesting.
> Absolutely. Totally agree. Only problem is great software ;-)

Sure. This has occupied my thoughts for some time, and like Ethereal
back in about 1999, it seems the right time to do something.

>> The specs say that it has a headphone jack and a microphone, but would
>> it be possible to use one of those integrated headphone and microphone
>> devices on a single jack?
> Sorry the Ben only has stereo-out. For the Ya we are thinking about changing
> to a 3.5mm TRRS connector, i.e. one that also has mic-in. Like the iPhone.
> Needs to be discussed more on the list. Some people want 2.5mm but I
> think those are so badly de-standardized that most people just hate them.
>> One of the tools for tone analysis that is available would require
>> reasonable audio input ...
> Only microphone in the Ben.

OK, in any event, having thought about it more, that is a feature that
can wait until the basic functionality is done.

Does the Ben have a mini-USB connector? Could we use a USB hub to
connect a keyboard and mouse?

Also, could we use one of those USB headphones with microphone for
audio in and out for development?

>> Of course, it might prove hard to get the performance I want from Java
>> as well, as I am thinking of a Java-based app.
> Should be OK, but of course needs testing.
>> BTW, when can I get one
> Buy hopefully in October. Before that I believe we have an early-access
> program for people that can commit to some SW development.

I have a tutorial on SCST to give at LinuxCon in September, so I guess
it can wait until October.

>> do you have the tool-chain readily available for download from your site?
> Automatically built as part of OpenWrt.
> Our tree currently is at github.com/lindnermarek
> We are in the process of setting up project managemeng (indefero) on
> qi-hardware.com, then we will move it there...
> Please let's move as much emails as possible to the qi developer list so
> others can benefit as well and the questions and answers get archived.
> You can subscribe at lists.qi-hardware.com ('developers' list)
> Thanks,
> Wolfgang
> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 12:44:40AM -0700, Richard Sharpe wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 11:24 AM, Steve Mosher<steve@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> >  Richard,
>> >  See comments inlined.
>> Thanks for your comments. While I find it hard to imagine how you can
>> size your company to make a profit on a smallish number of units
>> shipped, I have some questions.
>> The Qi Ben would seem to have some promise as a language learning tool
>> that I have been thinking of for some time and given the number of
>> people trying to learn Mandarin, could prove interesting.
>> The specs say that it has a headphone jack and a microphone, but would
>> it be possible to use one of those integrated headphone and microphone
>> devices on a single jack?
>> One of the tools for tone analysis that is available would require
>> reasonable audio input ...
>> Of course, it might prove hard to get the performance I want from Java
>> as well, as I am thinking of a Java-based app.
>> BTW, when can I get one, and do you have the tool-chain readily
>> available for download from your site?
>> > On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 2:27 PM, Richard Sharpe
>> > <realrichardsharpe@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Hi Steve,
>> >>
>> >> It was interesting to see that you are involved with Qi ... I have
>> >> been learning Cantonese for more than 20 years (because of marriage)
>> >> and have been learning Mandarin now for a few years.
>> >>
>> >> I have a question about this open hardware stuff. I work for Data
>> >> Robotics and we do quite a bit of Linux stuff now internally with our
>> >> iSCSI units and have shipped more than 60,000 of the original 4-slot
>> >> Drobos. However, I think that the open hardware route does not promise
>> >> to ship large numbers of units because of the limited appeal of the
>> >> devices. What sort of compelling application will they have such that
>> >> you can ship a large number of units?
>> >
>> >    We don't depend on shipping a large number of units but would gladly do
>> > so.
>> >    The company is sized to be profitable with small volumes. In terms of
>> > software
>> >    applications initially we are looking at a variety of them.
>> >     1. Open Content "viewers"
>> >          a. CC video
>> >          b.  Audio and audio recording
>> >          c. Wikimedia content
>> >                1. wikipedia
>> >                2. wikidictionary
>> >                3. wikitravel
>> >     2. Network services
>> >          a. IM
>> >          b. SMS
>> >          c. "twitter type"
>> >     3. Sysadmin device.
>> >
>> >>
>> >> I must admit that over the years there have been several open hardware
>> >> projects that have been appealing, and Qi looks interesting from the
>> >> point of view of playing with the devices, but it would seem that only
>> >> open software projects have seen widespread use. I have worked on
>> >> Samba and Ethereal/Wireshark (I did a number of the early dissectors,
>> >> including the first SMB dissector, a long time ago) and neither of
>> >> those have brought me lots of income, but Samba has allowed me to get
>> >> employed at a number of places in the Valley.
>> >
>> >   Ideally we find software partners to take the device and create
>> > interesting devices
>> >>
>> >> These days my interests tend to be with SCSI in the Linux kernel as
>> >> well as file system topics.
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Regards,
>> >> Richard Sharpe
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Richard Sharpe

Richard Sharpe