Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Extending wireshark with Python

From: Sébastien Tandel <sebastien.tandel@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 14:16:32 -0300

instead of binpac, and since you're doing python, would it be useful to to use
as a (simplified) protocol fields "Description Language"?
I did not know about pyconstruct. Worth take a look at it. ;)
That way pythoners can reuse their pyconstruct code directly in Wireshark?

same as for binpac, could be useful for the ones who already wrote dissectors with it. 

So, it might be interesting to have both of them available for wireshark. I don't know tough what sort of limits (or not) pyconstruct could have.

Sebastien Tandel

On May 30, 2009, at 2:31 PM, Sébastien Tandel wrote:
> P.S. : I would like to add binpac within this python interpreter.
> But after having read the paper and thought a bit about the grammar,
> I think they've used Haskell (or another pure functional language
> for their compiler).

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