Hello List!
I am running two tshark process, both capturing on the same
interface but with different Capture filters. Both the tshark instances are
writing on to different files.
I am sending SIGINT signal periodically every 60 minutes to
both the tshark processes (I first identify their PIDs and then send kill –SIGINT
pid1 pid2)
pid1 is the process Id of the tshark that was started first
and pid2 is the process Id of tshark that was started later. I have modified
the source code such that whenever a tshark process gets a SIGINT signal, the
capture file to which it is writing will be switched to the next file.
When I execute ‘kill –SIGINT pid1 pid2’
the SIGINT signal is only received by the tshark with process id pid1. (This I can
confirm by seeing the capture file to which pid1 is writing to is switched and
the capture file to which pid2 is writing to is not changed.)
When I execute ‘kill –SIGINT pid2’ , the
SIGINT signal is NOT received by the tshark with process Id pid2, instead it is
received by the pid1. This is very strange!
Is this a BUG in tsahrk ? or is this how tshark, when run on
multiple instances, behaves? Is there any work around to solve this problem?
Can you please help me out to solve this issue?
Many Thanks,