I am creating a plugin that is intended to decode
custom h248 packages.
I would like to register my protocol to h248.propertyName, but the
"dissector_add" function continues abort with "assertion
failed" messages in protocol.c, line 709. My intent is register
all of my custom package IDs to this field
I looking at the back trace, in packet.c, link 707 thefunction
"find_dissector_table(name)" where name==h248.propertyName, returns
Zero. Hence the error is created on packet.c, line 709 where the sanity
check is called.
I have listed the registered fields (tshark -G) looking for a field name that
would work but I have and no success.
Here is the code in my plugin that fails:
for ( i =
0; package_name_ext_vals[i].strptr!=NULL; i++ )
\ /* tried many field values */
The value_string array "package_name_ext_vals[]" lists all of the
custom packageIDs and their names that I would like to decode.
I would prefer to create a plugin and not modify the current h248 code base.
Thanks as always for your help.
Alex Lindberg