Wireshark can dissect
BSSMAP over SCCP I beleve, we do have a BSS MAP dissector.
Från: wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] För
Yi Huang
Skickat: den 18 juni 2009 15:36
Till: wireshark-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ämne: [Wireshark-dev] Wireshark
My name is Yi huang, I am working in Ericsson Germany.
Could you kindly let me know if Wireshark have the protocol
stack (BSSMAP) to monitor A-if (between MSC and BSC)

Yi Huang M.Sc.
Customer Project Manager
Multi-Vendor Integration
Ericsson GmbH
Global Service Delivery Center Germany
D-40547 Düseldorf, Germany
+49 211 534 1302
Fax: +49 211 534 2282
+49 163 6534121
Email: yi.huang@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Ericsson GmbH. Sitz:
Düsseldorf. Registergericht: Amtsgericht Düsseldorf, HRB 33012. Geschäftsführer: Carsten Ahrens. Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Anders
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