Wireshark-dev: [Wireshark-dev] Lua Tvb and escape caracter

From: cyril leguienne <cleguienne@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 15:34:29 +0200
Hello everybody,
I don't know if it is the right place to ask the question, let me know if not. I am currently writting a simple dissector using lua for a proprietary protocol. This protocol is quite basic ,i.e : frame start character+ data + frame stop character . But the problem is that the data field can contain frame start or stop characters that must be escaped with an escape character. In order to pass the data field to another dissector I have to remove the escape characters from the tvb before. But there are no function to remove data from a tvb nor a tvbrange nor byte array.
I then wrote the following code:
function netx_proto.dissector(buffer,pinfo,tree)
   pinfo.cols.protocol = "NetX"
   packetnum = pinfo.number
local subtree_packet = tree:add(netx_proto,buffer(),"NetX Protocol ("..buffer:len()..")") local msgbufferarray = buffer(1,buffer:len()-2):bytes()--Here I get a byte array containing the data section from the frame
   local temparray=ByteArray.new()--allocation for a buffering byte array
   local offset=0
   for i=0,msgbufferarray:len()-2 do -- I go through the array
       if (msgbufferarray:get_index(i+1)==0x5C
           or msgbufferarray:get_index(i+1)==0x10
           or msgbufferarray:get_index(i+1)==0x13)
and msgbufferarray:get_index(i)==0x5C then--here I m looking for escape sequences temparray.append(msgbufferarray:subset(offset,i+1))--if found I get a subset for the array that I append to the buffering array
msgbuffer = Tvb.new_real(temparray)--Here I try to create a new tvb without escape sequence from the temporary bytearray

I then have an runtime error telling me "attempt to call field 'new_real'(a nil value)". I'm quite puzzled as I can't find an example of Tvb creation in the documentation and in forums.
If someone could give me a clue about how to solve my problem.
