Wireshark-dev: [Wireshark-dev] My first Dissector-Plugin

Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 13:08:21 +0200

I'm try to write my first dissector plugin for wireshark.

To start I read the chapter 9.2 and 9.2.1 in the developer's guide. Now I has this files in my plugin dir:
|-- Makefile.am
|-- Makefile.common
|-- Makefile.in
|-- Makefile.nmake
|-- moduleinfo.h
|-- moduleinfo.nmake
|-- packet-dpnetB.c
|-- plugin.c
|-- plugin.lo
`-- plugin.rc.in

By calling autoreconf in the basedir of wireshark-source, no Makefile for my plugin is gendered. I has never use the GNU Autotools an I doesn't know to compile the plugin. 
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