I have been having a horrible time trying to use svn/wget
from since last week. Just trying to do an “svn co”
of trunk-1.2 took EIGHT attempts just now. Luckily svn keeps track of where it
However, the “setup” feature of the makefile is
having the same problem (using wget). It is not so forgiving, making it almost
impossible to build.
The symptom (using Wireshark to debug, of course) is that
just stops responding – or it slows down to sending a packet every 30
seconds or so. It also fails to respond to the session being closed (ctrl-c on
my side). Trying the operation again goes back to normal speed for a while, and
then it just stops again.
If nobody else is seeing problems then I will have our IT
guys take a look…



Panasonic Electric Works Laboratory of America - SLC Lab
4525 So. Wasatch Blvd., Suite 100, 84124
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T 801.993.7124
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Bryant Eastham
Chief Architect