On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 12:53:52AM +0200, Stig Bj?rlykke wrote:
> The font size in X11.app for OSX 10.5.7 has changed, and the font used
> in the theme bundled with Wireshark is a bit big. The attached patch
> fixes this for 10.5.7, but I think we should fix this so it will work
> on all versions of OSX.
I updated to 10.5.7 recently (and my laptop crashed upon waking up just
now:<). I'm running Wireshark for X11 w/o the bundle and theme. The
default font is Monospace Regular 10 and it is larger too. My native
MacOS X GTK build of Wireshark still looks fine.
A new version of Xquartz was released today ( and it requires
MacOS 10.5.7, which the latest Apple update seemed to have clobbered
with Apple's official version of X11. After updating though, I still
have the large font problem. Changing the font to size 8 makes it look
like it did before.
I would like to figure out what changed so we can be sure we're
fixing the right thing...