Ravi Kondamuru wrote:
I have created an enhancement request
3457<https://bugs.wireshark.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=3457> to
provide a patch to support citrix netscaler capture file format.
Apart from the source patch is there any additional information required to
be attached to the enhancement request.
Also, once the patch/info is provided how long does it take before it is
included into the wireshark distribution?
A quick look at the netscaler documentation indicates that there's a
netscaler program called nstrace which can produce files in something
called "nstrace format" (and apparently also in tcpdump (pcap) format)).
I'm guessing that the "citrix netscaler capture file format" you refer
to above is the "nstrace format" output from nstrace.
Is this correct?.