I use www.sourceforge.net/projects/tinyxml.
But it is C++.
Andreas Stuckert a �crit :
Hi !
for my project, we have to use a XML parser to read a SercosIII
Configuration interface file to get information to dissect sercosIII data
frames in detail. The written Plugin should be released in a further version
of Wireshark
There for I have some Questions:
- I found no XML Parsing Lib in the Source code. Only several parts of
parsing code to desect XML in frames. Is there no lib for this? Also I found
no Good news to this Topic in the mailing list.
- If there is no Lib, which can I use? It is Important that it is no
proprietary software the Sercosiii plugin feature should be released soon in
the official Version
Can you answer to my questions please because the dead line of my project
comes quickly?
I am a newbie in developing open source software. I would be glad for
getting some usefull hints.
Regards Andreas Stuckert
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