On Mar 31, 2009, at 3:53 PM, gogrady@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
I think that answer my question. So it looks like my best bet is to
use the hidden field and just go with bad UI eh?
Your *best* bet might be to find a way of dissecting the packet that
doesn't involve your DLL, given the problems you've been having trying
to use it in Wireshark (probably because it was never designed for use
in Wireshark, and so is a bad fit for Wireshark; square pegs fit into
round holes only with a lot of hard pounding and perhaps some ugly
noises and damage to peg, hole, or both).
Code such as
time = (_GetMsgTime)();
pi = proto_tree_add_text(icom_message_tree, tvb, 0, 0, "Time: %s",
is suboptimal UI even if you completely ignore filtering issues - you
can't click on the "Time: %s" line and see what packet data
corresponds to it, for example.