If your asking what i think you are, there should be a make file in your plugin folder that will just compile and build your plugin instead of the makefile in the wireshark folder.
---- Tobias Erichsen <t.erichsen@xxxxxx> wrote:
Hi everyone,
the dissectors I'm (re-)writing (RTP-MIDI and Apple RTP-MIDI session control) are coming up pretty nicely under my Windows dev-environment.
For testing I would like to compile those plugins also on my MacBook, but I still have problems setting up the dev-environment for OS X (especially the gtk stuff)
Is there some kind of "short-cut" if just want to compile the plugins and not the complete Wireshark (since I have that as installed as a binary anyway)?
Any hints would be highly welcome...
Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger01
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