Guy Harris a �crit :
On Feb 24, 2009, at 1:26 PM, wsgd wrote:
I have tried your patch (on wireshark 1.1.3).
Seems to work well.
Explanations for other people :
On each field where an expert info has been declared,
a subtree Expert Info is added with
a field Severity with its value : Error, ...
a field Group with its value : Checksum, Malformed, ...
...and without the actual text of the expert information.
Ok, better.
It would probably be more useful *with* the text of the expert
information; as long as we're adding the expert information to the
protocol tree, we might as well show what the problem is.
I've attached a version of Jakub's patch that does that as well.
Tested ok (wireshark 1.1.3).
In addition, it might be useful to have a way to register particular
expert information indications, so that you could search for packets
with *specific* problems. For those, you might have a particular
indication registered as a pseudo-field for a protocol, e.g.
"tcp.bad_checksum" if we used expert information to report bad TCP
checksums. That item could be added underneath the top-level "Expert
Info" item, along with the severity and group.
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