Wireshark-dev: [Wireshark-dev] HTTP 1.1 GET request

From: "Venki Solaiyappan (svenki)" <svenki@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2009 18:02:33 -0800
whats the  HTTP request header field-name format supported in wireshark? 
A field-name in http request header could be of the following format (see below)..
when i used any of the characters like chars like: ; ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) ......
other than alpha-num and "-",  i see the HTTP request decoded as "non-http" traffic in wireshark..i.e. considered as "data".
but my client request goes thru fine.. i get the web page what i expected..
These chars are perfectly valid according to RFC and thats why request go through fine..?
is it a wireshark issue?
Snip from RFC822:
field       =  field-name ":" [ field-body ] CRLF
     field-name  =  1*<any CHAR, excluding CTLs, SPACE, and ":">
CHAR        =  <any ASCII character>        ; (  0-177,  0.-127.)
 CTL         =  <any ASCII control           ; (  0- 37,  0.- 31.)
                     character and DEL>          ; (    177,     127.)