Thanks for explaination! I'll try it out.
Meanwhile, can we design a command like
tshark -stop XXXX ?
What's the difficulty there?
On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Guy Harris
<guy@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Feb 3, 2009, at 3:53 PM, Joshua (Shiwei) Zhao wrote:
> I know that with tshark we can preset an autostop parameter (a
> duration or number of captured packets). However, if our target
> capture is quite dynamic, is there a way to nicely and explicitly
> stop the capture? We can kill the process but many times the capture
> buffer couldn't be correctly flushed into a file before it's killed.
That depends on how it's killed.
On UN*X, sending it SIGTERM, with, for example, the "kill" command,
will cause it to cleanly exit, flushing out the buffered packets.
Sending it a SIGINT by, for example, typing ^C to it while it's
running in the foreground will also cause it to cleanly exit.
On Windows, currently the only way to get it to cleanly exit is to
send it a "control-C event"; I don't know whether there's any way to
do that other than to type ^C to it while it's running.
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