Another patch I had lying around for months ...
The following will only have an effect on Windows based systems (I know
to little about Unix systems to do it right here) ...
If you have more than one or two capture interfaces (especially with the
usually long capture interface names on Windows), it's sometimes hard to
trigger the right capture interface.
So my idea was instead of displaying a generic interface icon, display a
"topic" icon like modem, wireless, network plug, ...
My "easy solution" was to look at the capture interface name for
specific strings. The heuristics are currently very basic and consists
only of a strstr "search" for:
modem icon: "generic dialup"
wireless icon: "wireless", "802.11"
network plug icon: <any other>
What I'm still missing is a good icon for "virtual network interfaces"
(like the VMWare ones).
It would be easy to extend this with additional topics, user specified
heuristics, ...
I know this is a heuristic and therefore not perfect, but my guess is
that we can get very far with this simplistic approach.
Please report any undetected modem or wireless interfaces ...
Regards, ULFL
P.S: I know, the "right" solution would probably be to look at the
interface type from NDIS (or even better include this into libpcap), but
that would require a lot more work and I don't know if that returns the
right results under any circumstances either.
P.P.S: The wireless icon doesn't look very good, mainly because of the
conversion from .png to .xpm (because xpm has a very limited alpha
channel). As we dropped GTK1.x, maybe it's time to switch over to png?