Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Issue loading a new plugin

From: wsgd <wsgd@xxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 22:20:16 +0100

"Couldn't load module C:\Program Files\Wireshark\plugins\1.0.5\ccs.dll:

The Specified module could not be found."

is the error window I have if I do not include the manifest inside the dll.

To include the manifest inside the dll :
mt.exe -manifest <dll_name>.dll.manifest -outputresource:<dll_name>.dll;2

Plugin works for me.
dissector with C++ inside,
production : wireshark 1.0.3, Vista, Visual C++ 2005 EE
works on :
- 1.0.5 standard installation (Vista and XP)
- 1.0.3 standard installation (XP)
- 1.0.3 own build installation (Vista and XP)


James Gallogly a �crit :

Copying the Microsoft CRT dlls to the Wireshark directory (which as it turns out is recommend in the dev guide section yields the following behavior.
Again my plug-in works fine so long as I build Wireshark from source. 
Has anyone built a plugin with VS 2005 or greater and used that dll 
with the official Wireshark built release? Or does everyone just build 
there own Wireshark version?
Thanks for thelp,


-----Original Message-----
From: wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of James Gallogly
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 9:38 AM
To: 'Developer support list for Wireshark'
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Issue loading a new plugin


Thanks for help and fast response. The guide was very useful in

getting a build together. Building all of wireshark and executing that

with my plugin in place works fine. I only have an issue when I "install"

my plugin into the official release build.

So currently my only tests have been on my development machine. Your

correct the make file has no mt.exe reference. Copying the manifest into

the plugins location doesn�t seem to have an affect. I even installed the

c-runtime distrubtion files on my machine in case something was strange

there. Again no change. Later I will try your suggestion of copying the

runtime dlls just to see if the behavior changes.

Thanks for the help,


-----Original Message-----

From: wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

[mailto:wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ulf Lamping

Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 8:12 PM

To: Developer support list for Wireshark

Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Issue loading a new plugin

Heude Pascal schrieb:

> Hello Jim,


> Do you try to build the whole wireshark or only to build your dll ?

> I had this problem on some windows version and I solved it by building

> the whole wireshark. But I still do not know why !


> Pascal


> James Gallogly a �crit :

>> I am trying to develop a Wireshark plugin and am starting at the most

>> basic level. I followed the instructions in the dev guide to create a

>> basic dissector, basically copy and pasted 9.2.1 and changed foo to

ccs. I

>> used agentx MakeFiles as an example.


>> I am developing on Windows using Visual Studio 2005. I have no problem

>> building the project or my plugin using the nmake utility. However when


>> copy my plugin dll into the plugins/1.0.5 directory and execute


>> I get the following message.


>> "Couldn't load module C:\Program Files\Wireshark\plugins\1.0.5\ccs.dll:

>> The Specified module could not be found."


>> Any ideas what I might be doing wrong here?



This is the tricky part of the current Microsoft compiler toolchain :-(

As I've written most part of the Developer's Guide in that regard, I'm

still not satisfied with it's current state regarding the new Studios

(>V6). But I need some feedback, so please give detailed response :-)

Unfortunately, you didn't noticed if you tried to run your plugin on the

same (developer) machine where you've build it or on a different target


Two possible causes (at least I know of):

1) missing manifest infos

2) missing "C-Runtime "Redistributable" files"


The most likely reason is that you need the manifest information. Have a

look at your Makefile.nmake you're using to build the ccs plugin. If it

doesn't contain a line like mt.exe (I'm certain it won't), you need to

copy the generated file ccs.dll.manifest along with your plugin,

otherwise it won't work.


If you're trying to run it on a different target machine than your

developer machine, this is often a problem due to the missing "C-Runtime

"Redistributable" files" on the target machine. See:



for details.

You can:

a) take the folder content of Microsoft.VC80.CRT (located somewhere in

the Studio dir c:\program files\...) and put the *content* of that dir

where the Wireshark.exe resides (or probably in the plugins dir, unsure

of the right location - please try it out and give feedback) or

b) install the redistributable pack as mentioned on the linked page

above. Make sure you have the right pack, depending if your Studio

you're using to build the Wireshark plugin has an installed SP1 or not

(if you find a different version number in the manifest file than in the

web page above, then *please* report it)

All in all, trying to run Wireshark plugins compiled with a different

msvcr than Wireshark core *might* work or cause trouble. Please report

success or strange behaviour ...

Regards, ULFL

P.S: Seems, that the plugin Makefile.nmake still don't contain the

mt.exe call, we really need to change this! Any volounteers?



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