Wireshark-dev: [Wireshark-dev] Building Wireshark with MSVC6 gives error in 'packet-nasdaq-itch

From: "Speck, Michael" <Michael.Speck@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 10:09:02 +0100

I've just downloaded latest sources from SVN. Then I tried building it
on Windows XP using MSVC6.

Calling 'make all' (after 'make distclean' and 'make setup') gives
following error:

/I../.. /ID:\openSource\wireshark-win32-libs\glib\include\glib-2.0
/ID:\openSource\wireshark-win32-libs\gnutls-2.6.3-1\include /DNOCRYPT
/ID:\openSource\wireshark-win32-libs\WPdpack\include -D_U_="" /Zi /W3
packet-nasdaq-itch.c(259) : error C2520: conversion from unsigned
__int64 to double not implemented, use signed __int64

The erroneous line reads:
      gdouble value = nasdaq_itch_atoull(str_value,

Looking at function 'nasdaq_itch_atoull()' shows, that this function
returns a guint64.

How to solve this?
I do not know nasdaq-itch protocol, so I cannot say if it is better to
make nasdaq_itch_atoull() returning a signed int64 (gint64) as compiler
suggests or it it would be more reasonable to do a implicit typecast in
line 259? 

Attached you'll find patches for both possibilities. Solution 1 does a
implicit typecast, solution 2 changes return value of the function. Both
could be compiled without errors on my machine.

best regards

There seems to be some more errors in latest sources, preventing from
building wireshark with MSVC6:
	version_info.c(410) : error C2065: 'VER_NT_WORKSTATION' :
undeclared identifier 
I haven't had a deeper look at this so far.

Attachment: packet-nasdaq-itch.solution_1.patch
Description: packet-nasdaq-itch.solution_1.patch

Attachment: packet-nasdaq-itch.solution_2.patch
Description: packet-nasdaq-itch.solution_2.patch