Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Building Wireshark - Using nmake

From: philippe alarcon <philippe.alarcon@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2008 22:46:25 +0100

I had not understood calling vcvars32.bat has to be made
each time a new dos session is opened.
You are right, it is well mentioned in the guide !

I have written a batch to make all this automatic.
May be this will be useful for others :

cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\BIN
call vcvars32.bat
cd c:\wireshark\wsutil
nmake -f Makefile.nmake

Thanks for your help


Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2008 16:42:37 +0000
From: graham.bloice@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: wireshark-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Building Wireshark - Using nmake

philippe alarcon wrote:

I am trying to build the application under Windows XP.

In order to see if my environment is correct,
I have tried to build WSUTIL module.

I have used the basic command : nmake -f Makefile.nmake

My problem is that the make file doesn't find win32.mak.

I have not found this file.

Could somebody help me ?
Have you followed the developers guide for setting up your windows dev environment? (http://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsdg_html_chunked/ChSetupWin32.html).

In particular, step 2.2.6.  I'm guessing that your path isn't good.


Graham Bloice

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