Yes. There is no .sln at all.
I wonder why you must find the .sln...
2008/10/14 Tobias Wärre
That is because there isn't any solution file. The build is done via command line, but you can build from visual studio using the nmake tools also using a batch-file that calls the nmake command. That is how I solved it in VS 2003 since I couldn't get it to work by using the command directly. I think it depended on the location. With the batch-file I can change the current directory, but I couldn't find a way to do it without the batch-file. If you have the source in the project directory you can probably use the command "nmake -f Makefile.nmake all" directly. (and all the others that need to be executed, you have to read README.developer or the developer Manual found on the Wireshark homepage.