Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Adding live 802.15.4 Capture

From: Colin O'Flynn <coflynn@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 01 Oct 2008 15:14:46 -0300

> The code compiles and works works fine once an "#include epan/prefs.h>
> is added   :)

Hmm... not sure how I lost that! I was building on Windows though, and then 
moved the file over to my Linux box where I did the diff. The reason being 
that I found it easier to build Wireshark from sources on Windows than 
Linux.... I know, it's some sort of sin ;-)

So I could have chopped something off somehow in that....

> The preference appears (perhaps confusingly) under "IEEE 802.15.4" (the
> protocol "short name") since that's the way the protocol is registered.

Is that OK  then? I do see this working properly, once I looked under "IEEE 
802.15.4". I'd rather get the input of the experienced developers on this 
list if it should be "wpan" or "IEEE 802.15.4"!

With that sorted out I'll be happy to submit this through the patch process.

Warm Regards,

  -Colin O'Flynn

On Wednesday 01 October 2008 01:32:57 am Bill Meier wrote:
> Colin O'Flynn wrote:
> > The problem is I don't see "wpan" as an option in the prefrences dialog!
> > Any hints to what I am doing wrong? It seems fairly simple, however I'm
> > not very familiar with the Wireshark sources.
> The code compiles and works works fine once an "#include epan/prefs.h>
> is added   :)
> or:
> Maybe the patch supplied doesn't completely reflect your actual code and
> the problem is actually that:
> The preference appears (perhaps confusingly) under "IEEE 802.15.4" (the
> protocol "short name") since that's the way the protocol is registered.
>      proto_ieee802154 = proto_register_protocol(
>           "IEEE 802.15.4 Low-Rate Wireless PAN",
>           "IEEE 802.15.4",
>           "wpan");
>      ("wpan" is used as the "filter_name")
> Notes:
> 1. If the patch supplied reflects your actual code, you should have
> gotten a compilation error due to the missing include file. If you
> didn't, you'll need to revisit your compilation process.
> 2. The patch file is 'backwards' (new --> old) so could not be applied
> to packet-ieee802154.c as is. (I hand-edited the patch file so as to be
> usable).
> 3. I've taken the liberty to re-arrange the proto_reg_handoff code
> slightly. See the attached revised patch. (I've recently been doing work
> on the proto_reg_handoff functions in various of the dissectors and will
> be updating the doc/README.developer shortly).
> The attachment is a revised version of your patch and is against the
> current development version of packet-ieee802154.c.