Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] wireshark multi-platform setup memos

From: Jaap Keuter <jaap.keuter@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 18:50:06 +0200

These are nice articles. There's one big problem though: root access.

You state that you need root access to build and run Wireshark. That is untrue and potentially dangerous. First of all leave it out of the build, so:

... execute "./autogen.sh && ./configure" in command line....

You can run Wireshark straight up, without becoming root, to read in capture files. If you want to capture you can modify the permissions of dumpcap, the capture utility, to setuid root. Then Wireshark can capture, without becoming root.

You may want to incorporate these notes into your memo.


Xiao Li wrote:
  In recent experience of writing wireshark plugin and deploying it
onto different platforms, I have created following memos. Hope they
can be useful for other ones' trouble-shooting.


How to write a simplest wireshark dissector(under Linux)

Memo for Wireshark installation under Solaris

Memo of Wireshark building under Windows