On Tue, 2008-08-05 at 20:28 +0200, Sake Blok wrote:
> Wireshark has a good
> reputation as a network analysis tool. Which of course means it can be
> used for less honest purposes as well, but putting code in to deliberately
> break security based on a weakness in the protocol crosses the line
> for me.
I would add just a little detail: the issue exploited in the CVE 2008
0166 attack is not related to the SSL protocol, but to some specific
(broken) implementations.
Moreover the decryption of encrypted sessions is a feature that
wireshark supports since a few time for SSL, IPsec, ecc. and at least
for SSL sessions it works in a very similar fashion to the CVE attack
(in both situations you have to provide wireshark with some additional
Anyway I would be very interested in some feedback on the initial
questions (long computation and/or user interaction in dissector
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