Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Custom dissector forgotten in building process

From: Frédéric Courchesne - Paradox Innovation <fcourchesne@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 08:09:25 -0400

Thank you very much Pascal & Jaap and I promise I will read ALL readme files before posting another question! :)




From: wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Pascal Heude
Sent: May 13, 2008 4:02 PM
To: wireshark-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Custom dissector forgotten in building process



You will find here all the files/directories where I made modifications to add a new plugin :
� - configure.in : add the new plugin (like for others plugins)
� - config.h : change the name of version (to differentiate it from the official one)
� - config.nmake : customize for my development enviroment
� - Makefile.nmake : add the new plugin (like for others plugins)
� - Makefile.am : add the new plugin (like for others plugins)
� - plugin/Makefile.am : add the new plugin (like for others plugins)
� - plugin/Makefile.nmake : add the new plugin (like for others plugins)
� - add the plugin directory and files under the plugin directory


Jaap Keuter a �crit�:

Read doc/README.plugins very carefully and implement *all* changes listed in 
there. That should make things work.
Fr�d�ric Courchesne - Paradox Innovation wrote:
I made a custom dissector for a custom protocol we are triyng to 
develop, but it is not included/recognized when I do a �nmake all� or a 
�packaging (nsis)� command.
1^st problem :
- I am using the 1.0.99 (SVN) version of wireshark sources with 
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 environnement.
- I did put my own dissector source code in the 
C:\wireshark\plugins\my-plugin directory. (Plugin based on the example 
given by Ken Thompson : 
- I modified the file *C:\ wireshark\plugins\Makefile.nmake* to add my 
plugin in the *process-plugins* and the *install-plugins* sections
- When I run the command *C:\wireshark> nmake �f Makefile.nmake all*, 
the custom dissector is correctly built, but not copied to the 
*wireshark-gtk2\plugins\1.0.99\* directory.
- If I manually copy the file, the plugin works well.
2^nd problem :
- I modified the *C:\wireshark\packaging\nsis\Makefile.nmake* to add my 
custom dissector in the PLUGINS section.
- When I run the command *C:\wireshark> nmake �f Makefile.nmake 
packaging*, the custom dissector is absent of the package.
I looked almost every Makefile.nmake, Makefile.common, config.nmake of 
all folders, but I can�t find how to include my dissector. Do I have to 
open the whole project with Microsoft Visual Studio?
Fr�d�ric Courchesne
Wireshark-dev mailing list


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