On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 04:40:10PM -0700, Gerald Combs wrote:
> On the subject of advertising, how do people feel about me mentioning
> CACE products in the mailing lists? So far I've resisted, but it's
> pretty difficult (for example, when someone says they're having
> trouble capturing .11 traffic in Windows).
I'm ok with occasional mentions of CACE products on the lists since they
sponsor us and their products are tightly integrated with Wireshark (and
are good products based on my experience with AirPcap). I don't want
everyone to start advertising their products though.
I also agree with Ulf in that Wireshark itself should not contain
advertising as it is open source software and thus is not tied to any
one company. The Wireshark program can direct people to the Wireshark
web site and from there users can find out about CACE products and
Wireshark University.