as I couldn't find an email adress for a simple error-report I used the developers list - please, don't be too angry at me if that went out to a great number of persons.
In the FAQ, Q 1.14, I found a little spelling error: "CaputrePrivileges" instead of "CapturePrivileges" (please see below).
This is not too serious, but anyone searching for "capture" or "captureprivileges" won't find that spot.
Kind regards (and thanks for all your work on "Wireshark"),
Volker Sonnak
Q 1.14: Does Wireshark work on Windows Vista?
A: Yes, but if you want to capture packets as a normal user, you must make sure npf.sys is loaded. Wireshark's installer enables this by default. This is not a concern if you run Wireshark as Administrator, but this is discouraged. See the CaputrePrivileges page on the wiki for more details.