Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] [Wireshark-commits] rev 24640: /trunk/ /trunk/packaging/maco

From: Stig Bjørlykke <stig.bjorlykke@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 18:24:41 +0100
On 15. mars. 2008, at 19.32, gerald@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Check in the OS X packaging patch from bug 2341, since I've had
confirmation that the OS X package works on at least one system
other than my laptop.

Hi Gerald.

I had a look at the OSX packaging and found some errors while trying to build a dmg:

* osx-build.sh is calling osx-app.sh with argument "-b" instead of "- bp", which fails. The attached patch fixes this.

* osx-dmg.sh creates "Wireshark 1.0.0 Intel.dmg" while osx-build.sh tries to rename "Wireshark.dmg" to "Wireshark-24687-10.5-i386.dmg", which fails.

* Wireshark.app/Contents/MacOS/Wireshark is missing without any notice (I haven't figured out why), which causes the application to fail on startup.

The announced 1.0.0pre1 dmg works correctly. The Wireshark icon is a bit bigger than other icons when -TAB, which doesn't look "as it should be".

Stig Bjørlykke

Attachment: osx-build.sh.patch
Description: Binary data