Have a look at rtp_analysis.c
The idea is to 'tap' the RTP packets and write out the payloads into a file.
That gives you the stream as seen on the network, actual voip applications use
a jitterbuffer to recover from sequence errors and changing network delay.
TORKHANI Wajdi wrote:
Im a final year student of engineering. Im doing a project on VOIP (G.729)
I must create a voip sniffer (to capture communication VOIP on the LAN)
and then to convert them into audio format.
I succeeded in preparing a sniffer in C++ (by using the library winpcap) to:
1- capture network traffic
2- Filtre UDP trafic
3- Read ethernet,ip,udp and RTP header.
But I do not know how to create a raw file seems the output file created
by Ethereal
(Statistics->RTP->STeam Analysis->save payload-> .raw )
Please please help me.
Thank you so much.