Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Compiling with a older GTK version

From: Guy Harris <guy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 23:34:40 -0700
atdev.queries@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

I need to compile the Wireshark-0.99.5 on Linux ( 64 bit) with an older gtk version i.e gtk-1.2.12 . I would be needing the same version of glib version too.
I have disabled the gtk2 option while executing ./configure ( --disable 
gtk2). Do I need to install these two versions only in the path 
Try just installing the appropriate GTK+ 1.2[.x] package (RPM, deb, 
whatever your particular Linux distribution uses) and the equivalent 
developer package - just use the default installation for them, 
installing the headers and libraries in the default location - and then 
get the Wireshark source and configure it with --disable gtk2.
Then, if that fails, give details about what failed (e.g., the configure 
output and config.log if the configure failed, or the make output if 
make failed).
I.e., don't *start* with the assumption that it won't work, and ask us 
what needs to be fixed; start with the assumption that it *will* work, 
and then report problems to us if it *doesn't*.
The GTK+ 1.2 and 2.x packages for Ubuntu 7.10 installed GTK+ 1.2[.x] 
under /usr/{include,lib,...}/{glib,gtk}-1.2, and GTK+ 2.x under 
/usr/{include,lib,...}/{glib,gtk}-2.0, by default, which lets you have 
both installed, and lets you build Wireshark either for 1.2 or 2.x on 
the same system.  Perhaps Linux distributions outside the 
{Debian,Ubuntu,etc.} collection aren't as careful, but I think the GTK+ 
people at least default to installing in a fashion that allows you to 
have both installed without colliding with each other.
(BTW, Wireshark 0.99.5 is rather out-of-date; the current version is 