Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] dll works with Wireshark0.99.6a but not with Wireshark0.99.7

From: "A Verma" <laughaloud43@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 10:47:33 +0530
Thanks Stephen!
I did that but I am getting the following errors(My dll is called xxx.dll):
Generating Code...
   Creating library ciscosm.lib and object ciscosm.exp
        cd ..
        cd xxx
        "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\BIN\nmake.exe" /
          -f Makefile.nmake

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 8.00.50727.762
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Making plugin.c (using python)
        sed -e s/@PLUGIN_NAME@/xxx/  -e s/@RC_MODULE_VERSION@/0,6,5,0/  -e s/@RC
_VERSION@/0,99,9,0/  -e s/@MODULE_VERSION@/  -e s/@PACKAGE@/xxx/  -e s/@
VERSION@/0.99.9"-xxx-yyy-01"/  -e s/@MSVC_VARIANT@/MSVC2005EE/  < plugin.rc.in >
        rc  /r xxx.rc

xxx.rc(5) : error RC2167 : unrecognized VERSIONINFO field;  BEGIN or comma expected
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\BIN\rc.EXE"' : return code '0x2'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\BIN\nmake.exe"' : return code '0x2'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\BIN\nmake.exe"' : return code '0x2'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\BIN\nmake.exe"' : return code '0x2'

What mismatch is there between versions? Pls help me.




On 2/28/08, Stephen Fisher <stephentfisher@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 10:06:23AM +0530, A Verma wrote:

> I installed both the wireshark versions one by one and used the dll by
> putting it in the plugins folder. It worked with Wireshark0.99.6a but
> not with Wireshark0.99.7.
> I am trying to recompile the dll with Wireshark0.99.7.
> I am on the right path? Pls advice.

Yes, it needs to be compiled with each version you intend to use it
with.  So compile it with 0.99.7 sources for use in 0.99.7.
