I'm missing the point here. Is this a code snippet returning NULL that
causes the failure? Is it a fix? For what? Maybe this should be filed in
bugzilla and handled the regular way.
Luis EG Ontanon wrote:
uat_t* uat_get_table_by_name(const char* name) {
guint i;
for (i=0; i < all_uats->len; i++) {
if ( g_strequal((g_ptr_array_index(all_uats,i))->name,name) ) {
return (g_ptr_array_index(all_uats,i));
return NULL;
On Jan 30, 2008 10:00 PM, Jaap Keuter <jaap.keuter@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Shouldn't smi_modules_uat and smi_paths_uat be listed as 'DATA' items in
libwireshark.def. Or is there something with WS_IMPORT? I don't really
know how this stuff works in the Win32 domain.
Andrew Hood wrote:
SVN at 24225
Windows XP Pro SP2
M$ Visual Studio 8.0 (MSVC_VARIANT=MSVC2005)
Python in c:\Python25
I have done
"make -f Makefile.nmake clean" and
"make -f Makefile.nmake setup" before
"make -f Makefile.nmake"
When I try to set either of the SMI parameters from the "Name
Resolution" preference I get an unhandled exception in uat_window
because "u" doesn't seem to be set.
It happens in both the gtk1 and gtk2 versions.