I am developing a dissector for my protocol that uses TCP as the underlying layer and dissects messages that are destined for TCP destination port of 50505.
I did the following implementation for my proto_reg_handoff* method:
void proto_reg_handoff_foo() { dissector_handle_t foo_handle; foo_handle = new_create_dissector_handle(dissect_foo, proto_foo);
/* The following statement seems to cause an assertion when I run the Wireshark executable. I get an assertion on line 697 packet.c file saying assertion failed on sub-dissectors */ dissector_add("tcp.dstport", 50505, foo_handle);
/* If instead of above statement, I do the following, then it is fine */ dissector_add("tcp.port", 50505, foo_handle);
I presume that if keep tcp.port in my dissector_add invocation, my dissector is going to be invoked even when tcp.srcport is 50505. I want my dissector to be invoked only when a tcp destination port is 50505.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am developing on Wireshark 0.99.7 released sources and on windows platform.
Thanks, Vikas
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