Hi all,
thank you for your response. I started to implement the packet-usb-audio.c,
I put my first trial into http://bugs.wireshark.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=2081
M�rton N�meth
Pascal Heude wrote:
> Hi,
> There is a lot of documentation which help to develop plugin/dissector.
> Personaly, I wrote 2 plugins and I used an article found on internet :
> http://www.codeproject.com/KB/IP/custom_dissector.aspx
> And I also used one book : Nessus, Snort and Ethereal power tools.
> One remark about the article : the link is given in the wireshark
> website, but now the link is broken. The good one is the one above.
> Can somespan tells the webmaster to update the link (in Bibliography,
> the article from Ken Thompson) ?
> Pascal
> N�meth M�rton a �crit :
>> Hi,
>> I would like to implement the USB Audio Subclass
>> ( http://www.usb.org/developers/devclass_docs/audio10.pdf ) dissector for
>> Wireshark, so I started to read the documentation. In "Wireshark Developer's
>> Guide" ( http://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsdg_html/#ChDissectSetup ) it was
>> recommended to start a new dissector to be a "plugin". Is this the recommended
>> format or should I start writing the new dissector into
>> wireshark/epan/packet-usb-audio.c? What are the drawbacks and gains writing a
>> plugin vs. writing a built-in dissector?
>> I also found the following sentece:
>>> "You can find a good example for these files in the h223 plugin directory."
>> However, the h223 packet dissector is located at wireshark/epan/dissectors/packet-h223.c,
>> so I assume it is not (or no longer) a plugin.
>> In the wireshark/doc/README.plugins (from current SVN), I found that I should take
>> the wireshark/plugins/agentx. So where should I start?
>> M�rton N�meth