Wireshark-dev: [Wireshark-dev] Wish: Preferences quick choice

From: Stig Bjørlykke <stig.bjorlykke@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 20:41:09 +0100

I often find myself turning on and off some preferences for my "favorite" dissectors, especial the "Show internal BER encapsulation tokens".  With alot of dissectors available in the Preferences it takes some time to find the correct dissector in the list to make the changes.  

I know it's possible to search in the preferences for a given protocol, but when the Protocol entry is default collapsed the search does not work until I expand it.  And it does not work with sub entries like the OSI protocols.  Maybe the search should open all sub entries?

I also know it's possible to go directly to the Protocol Preferences from the Packet details, but this does not work for the BER dissector.  Or if I have to configure the correct port for an undissected UDP package.  Or use my custom port for SNMP packages.  Maybe the "Decode As..." should be extended to be able to save the changes?

I see three possible enhancements:
1. Add a list of custom key combinations to set specific protocol options (which could toggle a boolean, popup a window for a integer/string value, or popup the uat)
2. Add a option to have a collection of "favorite" dissector preferences to the currently unused Protocols phane (an example in the attached Preferences.png).
3. Implement the General/Unsorted 11. entry (Support multiple "profiles" per user) from our wiki WishList.  This would also solve alot of my other wishes :)

What do you think?

Stig Bjørlykke