On Tue, Nov 06, 2007 at 11:47:04PM -0500, Maynard, Chris wrote:
> I was reminded of a very handy web site for protocol documentation
> that I reference quite often, namely
> http://www.networksorcery.com/enp/Protocol.htm.
> Anyway, I personally think the format is somewhat superior to the
> current wireshark wiki pages for protocol descriptions and would like
> to see Wireshark protocol pages mimic theirs. Is it possible to
> mirror that site's content on Wireshark's site? And then as we add
> new protocols, we could use a similar format? At the very least,
> provide a link to it from Wireshark?
The network sorcery pages are a wonderful reference. Our protocol pages
should be geared more toward how the protocol is dissected in Wireshark.
How about we put links to the proper Network Sorcery page on each
Wireshark Wiki page? I don't see a need to duplicate all of the work
they do.