Greeting folks,
I am a newbie to the wireshark development. I created a plugin
foo (in Linux) that comes into action after Ethernet header has been dissected.
In order to compile wireshark with the plugin, I had to make following additions/changes,
1. In the
foo directory,
1.1 Edit Makefile.common to add entries of sources and headers.
1.2 Edit the to add entries of *.lo in "am_objects_x"
1.3 Add plugin entry in
Makefile.am2. In
plugin (../foo) directory,
2.1 Edit Makefile to add an entry of foo
2.2 Edit the
to add an entry of foo
2.3 Edit the to add an entry of foo
3. In
wireshark (../plugin) directory,
3.1 Edit Makefile to add an entry of foo in "am_DEPENDENCIES_2" variable.
3.2 Edit to add an entry of foo in "am_DEPENDENCIES_1" variable.
3.3 Edit configure script to add entry of foo in "ac_config_files" variable.
3.4 Edit script to add entry of foo in "AC_OUTPUT(" variable.
Having done all the above changes, I managed to attach the plugin to wireshark binary.
My question cum confusion is, do we have to go through all the pain in order to make a plugin work?
I mean, do we need to edit these many Makefiles every single time we add a new plugin?
Let me know if I am doing something wrong here. I greatly appreciate it.