daniel zhang wrote:
1. MOS
Voice quality was traditionally reported as a Mean Opinion Score (MOS)
on a scale from 1-5 where 1 is the lowest and 5 the highest.
I am not an expert on this but I think probably we could add the MOS
into Ethereal.
At least according to the Wikipedia article on the Mean Opinion Score:
the score comes from people listening to particular phrases and giving
their 1-to-5 rating of the quality of the sound, not from a calculation
you could perform on a raw digital signal. That means Wireshark (the
new name for the program that used to be called "Ethereal") couldn't
calculate the MOS for a given voice sample (at least not without a
plugin that connects to a number of user's machines, plays the sample to
the user, asks them for their rating, and then averages the results; I
don't know whether that could be done in a way that conforms to ITU-T
Recommendation P.800).