Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] [REPOST] rfc: adding support for direction info in bluetooth

From: Jaap Keuter <jaap.keuter@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 18:46:43 +0200
Hi Paolo,

Please understand that we're all a bit pressed for time. At least I know I am. Taking a peek at the code reveals no obvious error to me, but I'm not really familiar with the wiretap interface. So if someone who is familiar with the wiretap interface has some spare time he'll pick it up.


Paolo Abeni wrote:

I sent this repost directly to you in the hope the get some answer: this
is the 5th time I try to get some feedback. I hope to not bother you too
A few weeks ago I requested a review for a patch to add support for a
new pcap DLT for bluetooth h4 capture witch include
the (currently lacking) direction information. The patch as been
recently updated to svn revision 23180:


I really appreciate any comments on the said patch.

