On Wed, Oct 10, 2007 at 08:14:43AM +0000, kukosa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> http://anonsvn.wireshark.org/viewvc/viewvc.cgi?view=rev&revision=23128
> Log:
> solution for different submake calling on Windows and Linux
> only one dissector is committed to test it
> Directory: /trunk/asn1/h225/
> Changes Path Action
> +2 -0 Makefile.am Modified
> +2 -2 Makefile.common Modified
> +1 -0 Makefile.nmake Modified
Thanks! Is there a reason why you modified M.am and M.nmake instead of
M.inc and M.inc.nmake in asn1/ ? That way I'll only need to change the
M.common files.
Joerg Mayer <jmayer@xxxxxxxxx>
We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that
works. Some say that should read Microsoft instead of technology.