> > And when I press the start button, the program, Hangs up.
> Perhaps your xxx_read routine is blocked waiting for a 3968-byte
buffer > full of data to arrive, even though some
> data has arrived? See
my mail to tcpdump-workers on that.
I have not implemented it yet, before doing it I tried to enter some raw data to an u_char array
and point to that just to make sure pointers and other stuff works together.
my xxx_read() file looks like this below
int muwis_read(pcap_t *p, int cnt, pcap_handler callback, u_char *user)
int processed = 0;
u_char dispbuff[250] = {'\x20','\x41','\x56','\x25','\x30','\x23','\x34'};
/* --------These are to get the time stamp--------*/
__int64 freq, tStart, tStop;
unsigned long Timeinus;
// Get the frequency of the hi-res timer
/*repeat until a packet is read
*a NULL message means :
* when no packet is in queue or all packets in queue already read
unsigned short packet_len = 0;
int caplen = 0;
struct pcap_pkthdr pcap_header; /* Appears in pcap.h */
u_char *dp ; /*pointer to the pcap data*/
/* Creation of the pcap header packet header */
caplen = p->snapshot; /*portion of the packet inside */
packet_len = 4;/*should be set*/
if (caplen > packet_len) {
caplen = packet_len;
Timeinus = (unsigned long)((tStop * 1000000) / freq);
/* Fill in our own header data */
pcap_header.caplen = caplen;
pcap_header.len = packet_len;
pcap_header.ts.tv_sec= Timeinus/1000000;
pcap_header.ts.tv_usec = Timeinus%1000000;
/* Count the packet. */
dp = &dispbuff[0]; /*pointer to the data*/
/* Call the user supplied callback function */
callback(user, &pcap_header, dp);
return processed;
In capture->interfaces list displays my device along with the others,
but in the "packets" and "packets/s" column, for all the interfaces
it shows some very high "unrealistic " values such as 277314 for
and extremely high value for packets/s.
> Have you implemented an xxx_stats routine that returns the correct
packet counts?
I had not implemented it before, but now I have implemented in a similar way to septel_stat()
static int muwis_stats(pcap_t *p, struct pcap_stat *ps) {
*ps = p->md.stat;
return 0;
But then The problem has now got Worsen
Now when I select capture-> interfaces. The Program CRASHES :(
Next I did something like below though it cant really be like this,
static int muwis_stats(pcap_t *p, struct pcap_stat *ps) {
return 0;
Now as similar to the previous occasion, I get a high value for
packets and packets/s, just for one time and then I get this
error message appearing
" Couldnt set capture buffer size
Size 1MB seems to be too high for your machine
default is 1MB
Any way capture started. "
But now the packets could be seen. Is this comes with the
memory of my machine(256MB) being low?
But surely there is a problem with my muwis_stats() function
Isnt it? Kindly correct me! and possibly with
*ps = p->md.stat;
I just passed the same message(Useless) but that is just to understand
the process.
Further I have not done anything regarding these two functions and
they appear as is in the pcap-septel.c, any specific additions I need
to do ?
static int muwis_setfilter(pcap_t *p, struct bpf_program *fp) {
return (0);
static void muwis_platform_close(pcap_t *p) {
int muwis_setnonblock_fd(pcap_t *p, int nonblock, char *errbuf){
return (0);
int muwis_getnonblock_fd(pcap_t *p, char *errbuf){
return (0);
kindly let me know of any comments you have