Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Repeated crashes after update to GTK 2.12.0

From: Graham Bloice <graham.bloice@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2007 14:23:23 +0100
Peter Johansson wrote:
> 2007/10/1, Graham Bloice <graham.bloice@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:graham.bloice@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>>:
>     Peter Johansson wrote:
>     > After having updated the GTK version to 2.12.0 (using nmake -f
>     > makefile.nmake setup) I run into crashes when running Wireshark. I
>     > have rebuilt all the sources and the problem remains.
>     >
>     > Unfortunately Wireshark does not crash every time, just sometimes. I
>     > have two scenarios:
>     > 1. Crashes occurr once Wireshark has been started and I press the
>     > "show capture options" button (but not every time).
>     > 2. Crashes occurr when capturing data and "Network name
>     resolution" is
>     > enabled (but not every time, and not for all frames).
>     >
>     > The two scenarios seem unrelated and at least scenario 2
>     *should* not
>     > be a result from the update to GTK 2.12.0.
>     > I have no other information regarding scenario 1.
>     > For scenario 2 however, it seems that host_name_lookup_process is
>     > passing *ans->rrs.str to add_ipv4_name when the correct
>     information is
>     > actually stored in ans->rrs.bytes (note that this one should not be
>     > preceeded by "*").
>     >
>     > When changing the call to add_ipv4_name to use ans->rrs.bytes as
>     input
>     > instead of *ans->rrs.str, name resloution seems to work. But I
>     cannot
>     > understand why it has worked before as I cannot find a change in
>     the
>     > SVN repository that has changed this anytime recently (at least not
>     > since the renaming from Ethereal).
>     > Should add_ipv4_name be called with ans->rrs.bytes instead of
>     > *ans->rrs.str? The (missing) documentation for adns is a bit
>     unclear
>     > on on when to use what from the ans->rrs union :-(
>     >
>     > Has the adns version been bumped recently?
>     >
>     > Has anyone else seen anything like this?
>     What compiler version?
>     If you're on Windows, and using a version of MSVC later than 6.0, have
>     you recompiled the adns library?  setup removes the old one.
>     --
>     Regards,
>     Graham Bloice
> I am using VC2005 (not the express edition).
> No, I have not compiled the adns library myself, should I have to do
> that? I thought it was precompiled. The adns_dll.dll version I run
> Wireshark against (a copy of adns_dll.dll resides in
> \Wireshark\wireshark-gtk2 for instance, copied from
> \wireshark-win32-libs\adns- 1.0-win32-05\adns_win32\lib) is ver
> <> from Oct 13, 2005 (this is adns-1.0-win32-05
> if I understand things correctly).
I also use VS2005 Pro.

Ever since I moved on from VC6 earlier this year, I've need to recompile
adns due, I presume, to it being linked with the VC6 CRT.  As a note,
you have to open and convert the older .dsw file to a newer VS .sln file
and then compile it.

This is similar to the issue with zlib.


Graham Bloice