Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] tvb in a conversation

From: "Gilbert Ramirez" <gram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 15:24:30 +0530
You can use conversations to share data between packets. However, it
knows nothing about tvbuffs. Tvbuffs will be "garbage collected" once
they're not referenced anymore. I suppose you could increment the
usage count on the tvbuff so that it won't be garbage-collected until
the conversation itself is deleted (and you decrease the reference
count on the tvbuff). However, if you can share your own private
struct rather than a tvbuff, it might be easier for you.


On 7/27/07, Manuel Jung <klaus84@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Is there another possibilty to use some bytes from one packet later in another one.
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