Fulko Hew wrote:
a)What is the proper procedure to get my code/support for my new DLT type
incorporated into the official release of PCAP?
Send a patch to tcpdump-workers@xxxxxxxxxxx.
b) See Note 1 for a second question.
The changes amount to:
1/ gencode.c: Add a 'case DLT_SITA'.
2/ pcap-bpf.h: Add '#define DLT_SITA 196'.
Part 2 isn't necessary - when a DLT_ is assigned, the person who assigns
it also updates pcap-bpf.h (libpcap 0.9[.x]) and pcap/bpf.h (top-of-tree
libpcap) to make a record of the assignment (and, hopefully, to minimize
the chances that somebody who didn't see the
* Data-link level type codes.
* Do *NOT* add new values to this list without asking
* "tcpdump-workers@xxxxxxxxxxx" for a value. Otherwise, you run the
* risk of using a value that's already being used for some other purpose,
* and of having tools that read libpcap-format captures not being able
* to handle captures with your new DLT_ value, with no hope that they
* will ever be changed to do so (as that would destroy their ability
* to read captures using that value for that other purpose).
comment in the header will pick that value for their own purposes.
Note 1:
I know putting code into an H file is bad style, but this is the easiest
approach for me (right now)... because I don't understand the
.configure philosophy/procedure. :-(
or what I might need to change there to make my changes fit in better.
What I think I need to do is change the configure process to
accept a '--with-SITA' option so that a 'define' statement is added
and the makefile is altered to include my new C file rather than an H file.
But like I said... Im not sure how to do that.
If anyone can help improve my understanding, I'd appreciate it.
See how it's done for, for example, the DAG card support. The right
list on which to ask about that is again, probably,