Sub: how can i hack wireshark to show the actual data(decoded) ?
Please have a look at the following screenshot(wireshark)
( same screenshot also available at the following link
hxxp:// )
I know the structure of the data within the data packet,
instead of displaying the data in hex, I would like wireshark to
display the same data(with readable formatting),
the structure is as follows
typedef struct bestbuysell {
long bestbuyrate; long bestbuyqty;
long bestsellrate; long bestsellqty;
} bestbuysell;
typedef struct marketview {
long scripcode;
long openrate; long closerate;
long highrate; long lowrate;
long nooftrades; long tradedvolume; long tradedvalue;
long ltradeqty; long ltraderate;
long totbuyqty; long totsellqty;
char unit;
char trend;
long lowerctklmt; long upperctklmt;
long weightedavg;
struct bestbuysell brates[5];
} marketview;
typedef struct twsquery {
long msgtype;
long dummy;
long memberid;
long traderid;
long termid;
short noofscrips;
short filler;
long msgtag;
long scripcodes[6];
} twsquery;
typedef struct twsreply {
long msgtype;
short replycode;
short noofrecs;
long msgtag;
marketview mview[6];
} twsreply;
the data packet in the screenshot is the struct twsreply.
how can i hack wireshark to show the actual data(decoded) ?