Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] size of wireshark installation files

From: "Jean-Grégoire Foulon" <jg.foulon.dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 17:56:53 +0100

I cleaned the patch, it is much smaller now.

On 7/10/07, Jaap Keuter <jaap.keuter@xxxxxxxxx > wrote:

Should we make dissector_add() and friends fail silently when the
referenced dissector is not available? Currently the g_assert() is
killing, while a return would suffice.
This becomes more relevant since we can delete a dissector on the fly,
so we may run into this assert while not expected.

By the way Jean-Grégoire, could you clean up the patch on the Wiki a
bit? There seems to be residual development stuff in there, which may
cause conflicts.


Jean-Grégoire Foulon wrote:
> On 7/9/07, *Guy Harris* <guy@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:guy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>     Cruz, Petagay wrote:
>      > hi, how can I reduce the size of the wireshark library produced
>     in 'make
>      > install'?  I built without plugins.   what is using all the space?
>     Well, for starters, all the dissectors - plugins *aren't* part of the
>     library, they're loaded at run time, but almost all the disssectors in
>     Wireshark are built in, so they're part of the library.
>     There's currently no easy way to select a subset of dissectors to
>     include.
>     The rest of it is the Wireshark "core" to support dissection, taps,
>     etc.; that can't be removed.
> Hi,
>  I just finished to write a patch for Tshark to disable a lot of
> dissectors and make it smaller. It is on the wiki :
> http://wiki.wireshark.org/BuildingAndInstalling
>  The choice of the removed dissectors is arbitrary, it suits my own use
> ans only works for Tshark, but it can be a good start if you want to get
> a smaller version of Wireshark.
> Here is an extract of the readme, correct me if I did any mistakes
> ------------------------
> First, modify some files so the unwanted dissectors won't be compiled
> anymore:
> Makefile.in <http://Makefile.in>
> epan/Makefile.in
> epan/dissectors/Makefile.in
> You must choose the unwanted dissectors so that they were no
> dependencies problems. The dissectors you leave must not depend on the
> dissector you remove.
> In some cases, you will have to modify the source files to get rid of
> dependencies. For example, the telnet dissector depends on kerberos, it
> was patched so we could remove the kerberos dissector and keep the
> telnet one.
> tshark-tap-register.c and epan/dissectors/register.c are generated by
> Makefiles by parsing source files and adding specific functions they
> find in those files. They must be deleted to be regenerated with the
> correct list of functions. Before calling 'make' to build them, you have
> to remove the unused sourcefiles from their original directory otherwise
> tshark-tap-register.c and epan/dissectors/register.c will still have
> references to functions which won't be compiled.
> Once everything compiles, try to run Tshark.
> If you are lucky it will just work out of the box, but it's more likely
> Tshark will print "Aborted" and exit. It is an assert message which is
> printed when a dissector can't be added dynamically with the function
> dissector_add().
> It means you have to patch some dissectors to remove dynamic dependencies.
> All the dissector_add() calls that create problems must be commented. Be
> careful not to remove important ones.
> To know in which file the problem lays, use gdb and its backtrace command:
> gdb tshark
>  >run
>  >backtrace
>  >q
> It Will give you the file and the line that cause the assert to fail.
> Once you removed all the calls that make asserts fail, Tshark should run
> properly.
> Regards,
> Jean-Gregoire

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