Jean-Gr�goire Foulon wrote:
-The Arp dissector is linked to arcnet because it calls "dissector_add("
arcnet.protocol_id", ARCNET_PROTO_ARP_1051, arp_handle);" it is hard to
detect, and I don't know if there would be an easy way to modify
Wireshark code to avoid such dependencies.
One possibility would be to have dissector_add() fail rather than
aborting if the dissector table isn't found.
An option to force an abort (e.g., a command-line option) might be
useful during development, to catch typoes in dissector table names.
So I will probably have to comment a lot of those call to suppress the
dependencies. My patch might be bigger than I expected, I hope the wiki
allows to upload files.
It does (that's how capture files are added, for example), but I don't
know if it has a file size limitation.