Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] 0.99.6 release postponed

From: Jaap Keuter <jaap.keuter@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 04 Jul 2007 09:30:38 +0200
Well then, have fun at that side of the Big Pond.

In the mean time I've put the files from Frederic in the debian and debian/patches directory. These have to be ported to the release. Made a note in the Wiki.


Gerald Combs wrote:
No problem.  Tomorrow's a U.S. holiday, and I've been assigned Brisket
Duty.  :)

Jaap Keuter wrote:

Now that WinPcap 4.0.1 is out a release of 0.99.pre3 is possible.
I would like to request holding off until I've got the debian packaging updates from Frederic Peters in, which I've got lined up in my working copy. Tomorrow morning, when I'm fresh and sober, I'll review them one last time before committing.


Gerald Combs wrote:
A bug was recently discovered in WinPcap which can cause a system crash.
 WinPcap 4.0.1 will be released early next week, which will fix the bug.
 I'd like to hold off on releasing 0.99.6 so that we can include WinPcap
4.0.1 with the Wireshark installer.

In the meantime I'll release 0.99.6pre2 tomorrow.