Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Wireshark conference

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From: Sebastien Tandel <sebastien@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2007 17:30:14 -0300
a WUADC (Wireshark Users And Developers Conference)?!?! Great idea! Like Ulf, I would really be pleased to meet others people from the mailing-list.

Ideas "en vrac" for sessions/presentations :

*** Openings/Closing ***
- a keynote? Cisco has made a presentation for NANOG in june 2007. It could be good to have the vision from an international company on how they're seeing wireshark in their infrastructure. (It was more a basic dev howto but maybe they have some others ideas to share :)). - Historical Perspective from Gerald/Guy (other?) "Past, Present and Future of wireshark". Including a brief description of what could be improved but also feedbacks from companies using it (or why they're not using it could even be more interesting but hardest to find out).
*** Users Sessions ***
Should have tutorials or HowTo's. I guess you should already have enough materials with CACE Technologies to do more than three days of tutorials :)
- Wireshark Usage : Basics / Advanced (Case Studies)
- Wireshark scripting?
- Wireshark Security
- others ideas from user mailing-list

*** Dev Sessions ***
In the perspective, there would be dev sessions, I would like to see presentations and discussions about some future improvements of wireshark like :
- Monitoring/Statistics/Analysis Capabilities
   * Integrating Wireshark in a Large Enterprise Environment
   * Graphing API (how to conciliate for both wireshark and tshark?)
   * Application Layer API : Potential for future analysis
- Dissector API
   * API Description and Design
   * A stable Packet Dissector API : How far are we from?
   * Application Layer Dissection API : Brushing the future.
   * Extending the API : LUA state.
- General Perspectives
   * Multithreading
   * String charset, mime handling
   * A Minimal Build of Wireshark
* Maintenance : What should be changed in the dissectors to be up- to-date? others annoying things :)
   * Security of Wireshark
- GUI Session?

Hackathon? I've heard Hackathon? Yes! Of course!
It maybe the occasion to do :
- maintenance operation / update of old dissectors,
- resolution of the out-of-memory issue,
- starting a new project (like multithreading / minimal build),
I guess there are plenty of tasks that could be done. We however don't know how many dev people will be there and how many time we'll have at our disposal. Maybe we should think about the goals of this hackathon before it starts.

Sebastien Tandel

On Jun 30, 2007, at 7:22 AM, Ulf Lamping wrote:

Gerald Combs schrieb:
This is entirely hypothetical, but if someone were to host a 3-day
Wireshark conference, what sort of sessions would you be interested in? If enough developers attended, would there be interest in a hackathon?