Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] [PATCH] Improved support for MIPv4

From: "Ville Nuorvala" <ville.nuorvala@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 15:29:06 +0300

here's the fixed version:

This patch adds support for the following RFCs (and RFC-to-be):

RFC 3519 Mobile IP Traversal of Network Address Translation (NAT) Devices

RFC 3543 Registration Revocation in Mobile IPv4

RFC 4433 Mobile IPv4 Dynamic Home Agent (HA) Assignment (including the
not yet published errata about the message extension using the short
message extension format)

draft-ietf-mip4-message-string-ext Mobile IPv4 Message String Extension

I'll try to generate some good packet captures later this week.


Index: epan/dissectors/packet-ip.c
--- epan/dissectors/packet-ip.c	(revision 21904)
+++ epan/dissectors/packet-ip.c	(working copy)
@@ -181,6 +181,8 @@
static int hf_icmp_mip_g = -1;
static int hf_icmp_mip_v = -1;
static int hf_icmp_mip_rt = -1;
+static int hf_icmp_mip_u = -1;
+static int hf_icmp_mip_x = -1;
static int hf_icmp_mip_reserved = -1;
static int hf_icmp_mip_coa = -1;
static int hf_icmp_mip_challenge = -1;
@@ -1497,7 +1499,7 @@
  guint8       type;
  guint8       length;
-  guint8       flags;
+  guint16      flags;
  proto_item   *ti;
  proto_tree   *mip_tree=NULL;
  proto_tree   *flags_tree=NULL;
@@ -1552,25 +1554,23 @@
						  2, FALSE);
	  /* flags */
-	  flags = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
-	  ti = proto_tree_add_item(mip_tree, hf_icmp_mip_flags, tvb, offset,
-							   1, FALSE);
+	  flags = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset);
+	  ti = proto_tree_add_uint(mip_tree, hf_icmp_mip_flags, tvb, offset,
2, flags);
	  flags_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_icmp_mip_flags);
-	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_icmp_mip_r, tvb, offset, 1, flags);
-	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_icmp_mip_b, tvb, offset, 1, flags);
-	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_icmp_mip_h, tvb, offset, 1, flags);
-	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_icmp_mip_f, tvb, offset, 1, flags);
-	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_icmp_mip_m, tvb, offset, 1, flags);
-	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_icmp_mip_g, tvb, offset, 1, flags);
-	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_icmp_mip_v, tvb, offset, 1, flags);
-	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_icmp_mip_rt, tvb, offset, 1, flags);
+	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_icmp_mip_r, tvb, offset, 2, flags);
+	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_icmp_mip_b, tvb, offset, 2, flags);
+	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_icmp_mip_h, tvb, offset, 2, flags);
+	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_icmp_mip_f, tvb, offset, 2, flags);
+	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_icmp_mip_m, tvb, offset, 2, flags);
+	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_icmp_mip_g, tvb, offset, 2, flags);
+	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_icmp_mip_v, tvb, offset, 2, flags);
+	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_icmp_mip_rt, tvb, offset, 2, flags);
+	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_icmp_mip_u, tvb, offset, 2, flags);
+	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_icmp_mip_x, tvb, offset, 2, flags);

-	  offset++;
	  /* Reserved */
-	  proto_tree_add_item(mip_tree, hf_icmp_mip_reserved, tvb, offset,
-						  1, FALSE);
-	  offset++;
+	  proto_tree_add_uint(flags_tree, hf_icmp_mip_reserved, tvb, offset,
2, flags);
+	  offset+=2;

	  /* COAs */
	  numCOAs = (length - 6) / 4;
@@ -2522,44 +2522,52 @@
	"", HFILL}},

    { &hf_icmp_mip_flags,
-      { "Flags", "icmp.mip.flags",            FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0,
+      { "Flags", "icmp.mip.flags",            FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0,
	"", HFILL}},

    { &hf_icmp_mip_r,
-      { "Registration Required", "icmp.mip.r", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, 128,
+      { "Registration Required", "icmp.mip.r", FT_BOOLEAN, 16, NULL, 32768,
	"Registration with this FA is required", HFILL }},

    { &hf_icmp_mip_b,
-      { "Busy", "icmp.mip.b", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, 64,
+      { "Busy", "icmp.mip.b", FT_BOOLEAN, 16, NULL, 16384,
	"This FA will not accept requests at this time", HFILL }},

    { &hf_icmp_mip_h,
-      { "Home Agent", "icmp.mip.h", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, 32,
+      { "Home Agent", "icmp.mip.h", FT_BOOLEAN, 16, NULL, 8192,
	"Home Agent Services Offered", HFILL }},

    { &hf_icmp_mip_f,
-      { "Foreign Agent", "icmp.mip.f", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, 16,
+      { "Foreign Agent", "icmp.mip.f", FT_BOOLEAN, 16, NULL, 4096,
	"Foreign Agent Services Offered", HFILL }},

    { &hf_icmp_mip_m,
-      { "Minimal Encapsulation", "icmp.mip.m", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, 8,
+      { "Minimal Encapsulation", "icmp.mip.m", FT_BOOLEAN, 16, NULL, 2048,
	"Minimal encapsulation tunneled datagram support", HFILL }},

    { &hf_icmp_mip_g,
-      { "GRE", "icmp.mip.g", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, 4,
+      { "GRE", "icmp.mip.g", FT_BOOLEAN, 16, NULL, 1024,
	"GRE encapsulated tunneled datagram support", HFILL }},

    { &hf_icmp_mip_v,
-      { "VJ Comp", "icmp.mip.v", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, 2,
+      { "VJ Comp", "icmp.mip.v", FT_BOOLEAN, 16, NULL, 512,
	"Van Jacobson Header Compression Support", HFILL }},

    { &hf_icmp_mip_rt,
-      { "Reverse tunneling", "icmp.mip.rt", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, 1,
+      { "Reverse tunneling", "icmp.mip.rt", FT_BOOLEAN, 16, NULL, 256,
       "Reverse tunneling support", HFILL }},

+    { &hf_icmp_mip_u,
+      { "UDP tunneling", "icmp.mip.u", FT_BOOLEAN, 16, NULL, 128,
+       "UDP tunneling support", HFILL }},

+    { &hf_icmp_mip_x,
+      { "Revocation support", "icmp.mip.x", FT_BOOLEAN, 16, NULL, 64,
+       "Registration revocation support", HFILL }},
    { &hf_icmp_mip_reserved,
-      { "Reserved", "icmp.mip.reserved",     FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0,
+      { "Reserved", "icmp.mip.reserved",     FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x003f,
	"", HFILL}},

    { &hf_icmp_mip_coa,
Index: epan/dissectors/packet-mip.c
--- epan/dissectors/packet-mip.c	(revision 21904)
+++ epan/dissectors/packet-mip.c	(working copy)
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
/* packet-mip.c
 * Routines for Mobile IP dissection
 * Copyright 2000, Stefan Raab <sraab@xxxxxxxxx>
+ * Copyright 2007, Ville Nuorvala <Ville.Nuorvala@xxxxxxxxx>
 * $Id$
@@ -48,6 +49,7 @@
static int hf_mip_g = -1;
static int hf_mip_v = -1;
static int hf_mip_t = -1;
+static int hf_mip_x = -1;
static int hf_mip_code = -1;
static int hf_mip_life = -1;
static int hf_mip_homeaddr = -1;
@@ -55,12 +57,46 @@
static int hf_mip_coa = -1;
static int hf_mip_ident = -1;
static int hf_mip_ext_type = -1;
-static int hf_mip_ext_stype = -1;
+static int hf_mip_gaext_stype = -1;
static int hf_mip_ext_len = -1;
static int hf_mip_ext = -1;
static int hf_mip_aext_spi = -1;
static int hf_mip_aext_auth = -1;
static int hf_mip_next_nai = -1;
+static int hf_mip_rext_flags = -1;
+static int hf_mip_rext_i = -1;
+static int hf_mip_rext_reserved = -1;
+static int hf_mip_rext_tstamp = -1;
+static int hf_mip_rev_reserved = -1;
+static int hf_mip_rev_a = -1;
+static int hf_mip_rev_i = -1;
+static int hf_mip_rev_reserved2 = -1;
+static int hf_mip_ack_reserved = -1;
+static int hf_mip_ack_i = -1;
+static int hf_mip_ack_reserved2 = -1;
+static int hf_mip_hda = -1;
+static int hf_mip_fda = -1;
+static int hf_mip_revid = -1;
+static int hf_mip_dhaext_stype = -1;
+static int hf_mip_dhaext_addr = -1;
+static int hf_mip_mstrext_stype = -1;
+static int hf_mip_mstrext_text = -1;
+static int hf_mip_nattt_nexthdr = -1;
+static int hf_mip_nattt_reserved = -1;
+static int hf_mip_utrqext_stype = -1;
+static int hf_mip_utrqext_reserved1 = -1;
+static int hf_mip_utrqext_flags = -1;
+static int hf_mip_utrqext_f = -1;
+static int hf_mip_utrqext_r = -1;
+static int hf_mip_utrqext_reserved2 = -1;
+static int hf_mip_utrqext_encap_type = -1;
+static int hf_mip_utrqext_reserved3 = -1;
+static int hf_mip_utrpext_stype = -1;
+static int hf_mip_utrpext_code = -1;
+static int hf_mip_utrpext_flags = -1;
+static int hf_mip_utrpext_f = -1;
+static int hf_mip_utrpext_reserved = -1;
+static int hf_mip_utrpext_keepalive = -1;

/* Initialize the subtree pointers */
static gint ett_mip = -1;
@@ -73,41 +109,61 @@

typedef enum {
} mipMessageTypes;

static const value_string mip_types[] = {
  {REGISTRATION_REQUEST, "Registration Request"},
  {REGISTRATION_REPLY,   "Registration Reply"},
-  {0, NULL},
+  {NATT_TUNNEL_DATA,   "NAT Traversal Tunnel Data"},
+  {REGISTRATION_REVOCATION, "Registration Revocation"},
+  {EXPERIMENTAL_MESSAGE, "Message for Experimental Use"},
+  {0, NULL}

static const value_string mip_reply_codes[]= {
  {0, "Reg Accepted"},
-  {1, "Reg Accepted, but Simultaneous Bindings Unsupported."},
+  {1, "Reg Accepted, but Simultaneous Bindings Unsupported"},
  {64, "Reg Deny (FA)- Unspecified Reason"},
  {65, "Reg Deny (FA)- Administratively Prohibited"},
  {66, "Reg Deny (FA)- Insufficient Resources"},
-  {67, "Reg Deny (FA)- MN failed Authentication"},
-  {68, "Reg Deny (FA)- HA failed Authentication"},
+  {67, "Reg Deny (FA)- MN Failed Authentication"},
+  {68, "Reg Deny (FA)- HA Failed Authentication"},
  {69, "Reg Deny (FA)- Requested Lifetime too Long"},
  {70, "Reg Deny (FA)- Poorly Formed Request"},
  {71, "Reg Deny (FA)- Poorly Formed Reply"},
  {72, "Reg Deny (FA)- Requested Encapsulation Unavailable"},
  {73, "Reg Deny (FA)- VJ Compression Unavailable"},
  {74, "Reg Deny (FA)- Requested Reverse Tunnel Unavailable"},
-  {75, "Reg Deny (FA)- Reverse Tunnel is Mandatory and 'T' Bit Not Set"},
+  {75, "Reg Deny (FA)- Reverse Tunnel Is Mandatory and 'T' Bit Not Set"},
  {76, "Reg Deny (FA)- Mobile Node Too Distant"},
  {77, "Reg Deny (FA)- Invalid Care-of Address"},
+  {78, "Reg Deny (FA)- Registration Timeout"},
  {79, "Reg Deny (FA)- Delivery Style Not Supported"},
  {80, "Reg Deny (FA)- Home Network Unreachable"},
  {81, "Reg Deny (FA)- HA Host Unreachable"},
  {82, "Reg Deny (FA)- HA Port Unreachable"},
  {88, "Reg Deny (FA)- HA Unreachable"},
-  {96, "Reg Deny (FA)(NAI) - Non Zero Home Address Required"},
+  {89, "Reg Deny (FA)- Vendor-specific Reason"},
+  {90, "Reg Deny (FA)- Non-zero HA Address Required"},
+  {96, "Reg Deny (FA)(NAI) - Non-zero Home Address Required"},
  {97, "Reg Deny (FA)(NAI) - Missing NAI"},
  {98, "Reg Deny (FA)(NAI) - Missing Home Agent"},
  {99, "Reg Deny (FA)(NAI) - Missing Home Address"},
+  {100, "Reg Deny (FA)- Unable to Interpret CVSE Sent by MN"},
+  {101, "Reg Deny (FA)- Unable to Interpret CVSE Sent by HA"},
+  {104, "Reg Deny (FA)- Unknown Challenge"},
+  {105, "Reg Deny (FA)- Missing Challenge"},
+  {106, "Reg Deny (FA)- Stale Challenge"},
+  {107, "Reg Deny (FA)- Missing MN-FA Key Generation Nonce Reply Extension"},
+  {108, "Reg Deny (FA)- MN Failed AAA Authentication"},
+  {109, "Reg Deny (FA)- HA Sent Wrong Challenge in Reply"},
+  {127, "Reg Deny (FA)- Error Code for Experimental Use"},
  {128, "Reg Deny (HA)- Unspecified"},
  {129, "Reg Deny (HA)- Administratively Prohibited"},
  {130, "Reg Deny (HA)- Insufficient Resources"},
@@ -118,11 +174,24 @@
  {135, "Reg Deny (HA)- Too Many Simultaneous Bindings"},
  {136, "Reg Deny (HA)- Unknown HA Address"},
  {137, "Reg Deny (HA)- Requested Reverse Tunnel Unavailable"},
-  {138, "Reg Deny (HA)- Reverse Tunnel is Mandatory and 'T' Bit Not Set"},
+  {138, "Reg Deny (HA)- Reverse Tunnel Is Mandatory and 'T' Bit Not Set"},
  {139, "Reg Deny (HA)- Requested Encapsulation Unavailable"},
-  {0, NULL},
+  {140, "Reg Deny (HA)- Unable to Interpret CVSE Sent by MN"},
+  {141, "Reg Deny (HA)- Unable to Interpret CVSE Sent by FA"},
+  {142, "Reg Deny (HA)- UDP Encapsulation Unavailable"},
+  {143, "Reg Deny (HA)- Register with Redirected HA"},
+  {144, "Reg Deny (HA)- MN Failed AAA Authentication"},
+  {192, "Reg Deny (HA)- Error Code for Experimental Use"},
+  {0, NULL}

+static const value_string mip_nattt_nexthdr[]= {
+  {4, "IP Header"},
+  {47, "GRE Header"},
+  {55, "Minimal IP Encapsulation Header"},
+  {0, NULL}
typedef enum {
  MH_AUTH_EXT = 32,
  MF_AUTH_EXT = 33,
@@ -130,29 +199,80 @@
  GEN_AUTH_EXT = 36,      /* RFC 3012 */
  OLD_CVSE_EXT = 37,      /* RFC 3115 */
  CVSE_EXT = 38,          /* RFC 3115 */
-  MN_NAI_EXT = 131,
+  UDP_TUN_REP_EXT = 44,   /* RFC 3519 */
+  MN_NAI_EXT = 131,       /* RFC 2794 */
  MF_CHALLENGE_EXT = 132, /* RFC 3012 */
  OLD_NVSE_EXT = 133,     /* RFC 3115 */
-  NVSE_EXT = 134          /* RFC 3115 */
+  NVSE_EXT = 134,         /* RFC 3115 */
+  REV_SUPP_EXT = 137,     /* RFC 3543 */
+  DYN_HA_EXT = 139,       /* RFC 4433 */
+  UDP_TUN_REQ_EXT = 144,  /* RFC 3519 */
+  MSG_STR_EXT = 145,
+  SKIP_EXP_EXT = 255      /* RFC 4064 */
static const value_string mip_ext_types[]= {
  {MH_AUTH_EXT, "Mobile-Home Authentication Extension"},
  {MF_AUTH_EXT, "Mobile-Foreign Authentication Extension"},
  {FH_AUTH_EXT, "Foreign-Home Authentication Extension"},
+  {GEN_AUTH_EXT, "Generalized Mobile-IP Authentication Extension"},
+  {OLD_CVSE_EXT, "Critical Vendor/Organization Specific Extension"},
+  {CVSE_EXT, "Critical Vendor/Organization Specific Extension"},
+  {UDP_TUN_REP_EXT, "UDP Tunnel Reply Extension"},
  {MN_NAI_EXT,  "Mobile Node NAI Extension"},
-  {GEN_AUTH_EXT, "Generalized Mobile-IP Authentication Extension"},
  {MF_CHALLENGE_EXT, "MN-FA Challenge Extension"},
-  {CVSE_EXT, "Critical Vendor/Organization Specific Extension"},
-  {OLD_CVSE_EXT, "Critical Vendor/Organization Specific Extension"},
+  {OLD_NVSE_EXT, "Normal Vendor/Organization Specific Extension"},
  {NVSE_EXT, "Normal Vendor/Organization Specific Extension"},
-  {OLD_NVSE_EXT, "Normal Vendor/Organization Specific Extension"},
-  {0, NULL},
+  {REV_SUPP_EXT, "Revocation Support Extension"},
+  {DYN_HA_EXT, "Dynamic HA Extension"},
+  {UDP_TUN_REQ_EXT, "UDP Tunnel Request Extension"},
+  {MSG_STR_EXT, "Message String Extension"},
+  {SKIP_EXP_EXT, "Skippable Extension for Experimental use"},
+  {0, NULL}

-static const value_string mip_ext_stypes[]= {
+static const value_string mip_gaext_stypes[]= {
  {1, "MN AAA Extension"},
-  {0, NULL},
+  {0, NULL}
+static const value_string mip_dhaext_stypes[]= {
+  {1, "Requested HA Extension"},
+  {2, "Redirected HA Extension"},
+  {0, NULL}
+static const value_string mip_mstrext_stypes[]= {
+  {1, "HA Extension"},
+  {2, "FA Extension"},
+  {0, NULL}
+static const value_string mip_utrqext_stypes[]= {
+  {0, ""},
+  {0, NULL}
+static const value_string mip_utrqext_encap_types[]= {
+  {4, "IP Header"},
+  {47, "GRE Header"},
+  {55, "Minimal IP Encapsulation Header"},
+  {0, NULL}
+static const value_string mip_utrpext_stypes[]= {
+  {0, ""},
+  {0, NULL}
+static const value_string mip_utrpext_codes[]= {
+  {0, "Will do Tunneling"},
+  {64, "Tunneling Declined, Reason Unspecified"},
+  {0, NULL}
+static dissector_handle_t ip_handle;
/* Code to dissect extensions */
static void
dissect_mip_extensions( tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, proto_tree *tree)
@@ -160,9 +280,12 @@
  proto_item   *ti;
  proto_tree   *exts_tree=NULL;
  proto_tree   *ext_tree;
+  proto_tree   *tf;
+  proto_tree   *ext_flags_tree;
  size_t        ext_len;
  guint8        ext_type;
  guint8        ext_subtype=0;
+  guint16       flags;
  size_t        hdrLen;

  /* None of this really matters if we don't have a tree */
@@ -204,7 +327,7 @@

-	switch(ext_type) {
+	switch (ext_type) {
	case MH_AUTH_EXT:
	case MF_AUTH_EXT:
	case FH_AUTH_EXT:
@@ -223,7 +346,7 @@
	   * Very nasty . . breaks normal extensions, since the length is
	   * in the wrong place :(
-	  proto_tree_add_uint(ext_tree, hf_mip_ext_stype, tvb, offset, 1,
+	  proto_tree_add_uint(ext_tree, hf_mip_gaext_stype, tvb, offset, 1,
	  proto_tree_add_uint(ext_tree, hf_mip_ext_len, tvb, offset, 2, ext_len);
@@ -234,6 +357,72 @@
						  ext_len - 4, FALSE);

+        case REV_SUPP_EXT:      /* RFC 3543 */
+	  /* flags */
+	  flags = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset);
+	  tf = proto_tree_add_uint(ext_tree, hf_mip_rext_flags, tvb, offset,
2, flags);
+	  ext_flags_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(tf, ett_mip_flags);
+	  proto_tree_add_boolean(ext_flags_tree, hf_mip_rext_i, tvb, offset,
2, flags);
+	  /* reserved */
+	  proto_tree_add_uint(ext_flags_tree, hf_mip_rext_reserved, tvb,
offset, 2, flags);
+	  /* registration revocation timestamp */
+	  proto_tree_add_item(ext_tree, hf_mip_rext_tstamp, tvb, offset + 2,
4, FALSE);
+	  break;
+	case DYN_HA_EXT:      /* RFC 4433 */
+	  /* subtype */
+	  proto_tree_add_item(ext_tree, hf_mip_dhaext_stype, tvb, offset, 1, FALSE);
+	  /* Home Agent */
+	  proto_tree_add_item(ext_tree, hf_mip_dhaext_addr, tvb, offset + 1,
4, FALSE);
+	  break;
+	case MSG_STR_EXT:
+	  /* sub-type */
+	  proto_tree_add_item(ext_tree, hf_mip_mstrext_stype, tvb, offset, 1, FALSE);
+	  /* text */
+	  proto_tree_add_item(ext_tree, hf_mip_mstrext_text, tvb, offset +
1, ext_len-1, FALSE);
+	  break;
+	case UDP_TUN_REQ_EXT:   /* RFC 3519 */
+	  /* sub-type */
+	  proto_tree_add_item(ext_tree, hf_mip_utrqext_stype, tvb, offset, 1, FALSE);
+	  /* reserved 1 */
+	  proto_tree_add_item(ext_tree, hf_mip_utrqext_reserved1, tvb,
offset + 1, 1, FALSE);
+	  /* flags */
+	  flags = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset + 2);
+	  tf = proto_tree_add_uint(ext_tree, hf_mip_utrqext_flags, tvb,
offset + 2, 1, flags);
+	  ext_flags_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(tf, ett_mip_flags);
+	  proto_tree_add_boolean(ext_flags_tree, hf_mip_utrqext_f, tvb,
offset + 2, 1, flags);
+	  proto_tree_add_boolean(ext_flags_tree, hf_mip_utrqext_r, tvb,
offset + 2, 1, flags);
+	  /* reserved 2 */
+	  proto_tree_add_uint(ext_flags_tree, hf_mip_utrqext_reserved2, tvb,
offset + 2, 1, flags);
+	  /* encapsulation */
+	  proto_tree_add_item(ext_tree, hf_mip_utrqext_encap_type, tvb,
offset + 3, 1, FALSE);
+	  /* reserved 3 */
+	  proto_tree_add_item(ext_tree, hf_mip_utrqext_reserved3, tvb,
offset + 4, 2, FALSE);
+	  break;
+	case UDP_TUN_REP_EXT:   /* RFC 3519 */
+	  /* sub-type */
+	  proto_tree_add_item(ext_tree, hf_mip_utrpext_stype, tvb, offset, 1, FALSE);
+	  /* code */
+	  proto_tree_add_item(ext_tree, hf_mip_utrpext_code, tvb, offset +
1, 1, FALSE);
+	  /* flags */
+	  flags = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset+2);
+	  tf = proto_tree_add_uint(ext_tree, hf_mip_utrpext_flags, tvb,
offset + 2, 2, flags);
+	  ext_flags_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(tf, ett_mip_flags);
+	  proto_tree_add_boolean(ext_flags_tree, hf_mip_utrpext_f, tvb,
offset + 2, 2, flags);
+	  /* reserved */
+	  proto_tree_add_uint(ext_flags_tree, hf_mip_utrpext_reserved, tvb,
offset + 2, 2, flags);
+	  /* keepalive interval */
+	  proto_tree_add_item(ext_tree, hf_mip_utrpext_keepalive, tvb,
offset + 4, 2, FALSE);
+	  break;
	case OLD_CVSE_EXT:      /* RFC 3115 */
	case CVSE_EXT:          /* RFC 3115 */
	case OLD_NVSE_EXT:      /* RFC 3115 */
@@ -260,9 +449,10 @@
  proto_item    *tf;
  proto_tree    *flags_tree;
  guint8         type;
-  guint8         flags;
+  guint16        flags;
  size_t         offset=0;
  const guint8  *reftime;
+  tvbuff_t      *next_tvb;

  /* Make entries in Protocol column and Info column on summary display */

@@ -275,9 +465,11 @@
  switch (type) {
	if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO))
-	  col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Reg Request: HAddr=%s COA=%s",
-				   ip_to_str(tvb_get_ptr(tvb, 4, 4)),
-				   ip_to_str(tvb_get_ptr(tvb,12,4)));
+	  col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO,
+		       "Reg Request: HoA=%s HA=%s CoA=%s",
+		       ip_to_str(tvb_get_ptr(tvb,4,4)),
+		       ip_to_str(tvb_get_ptr(tvb,8,4)),
+		       ip_to_str(tvb_get_ptr(tvb,12,4)));

	if (tree) {
	  ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_mip, tvb, offset, -1, FALSE);
@@ -289,8 +481,7 @@

	  /* flags */
	  flags = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
-	  tf = proto_tree_add_uint(mip_tree, hf_mip_flags, tvb,
-							   offset, 1, flags);
+	  tf = proto_tree_add_uint(mip_tree, hf_mip_flags, tvb, offset, 1, flags);
	  flags_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(tf, ett_mip_flags);
	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_mip_s, tvb, offset, 1, flags);
	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_mip_b, tvb, offset, 1, flags);
@@ -299,11 +490,12 @@
	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_mip_g, tvb, offset, 1, flags);
	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_mip_v, tvb, offset, 1, flags);
	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_mip_t, tvb, offset, 1, flags);
+	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_mip_x, tvb, offset, 1, flags);

	  /* lifetime */
	  proto_tree_add_item(mip_tree, hf_mip_life, tvb, offset, 2, FALSE);
-	  offset +=2;
+	  offset += 2;

	  /* home address */
	  proto_tree_add_item(mip_tree, hf_mip_homeaddr, tvb, offset, 4, FALSE);
@@ -329,8 +521,11 @@
	if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO))
-	  col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Reg Reply: HAddr=%s, Code=%u",
-				   ip_to_str(tvb_get_ptr(tvb,4,4)), tvb_get_guint8(tvb,1));
+	  col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO,
+		       "Reg Reply: HoA=%s HA=%s, Code=%u",
+		       ip_to_str(tvb_get_ptr(tvb,4,4)),
+		       ip_to_str(tvb_get_ptr(tvb,8,4)),
+		       tvb_get_guint8(tvb,1));

	if (tree) {
	  /* Add Subtree */
@@ -365,8 +560,119 @@
	  offset += 8;
	} /* if tree */
+	break;
+	if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO))
+	  col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Tunnel Data: Next Header=%u",
+		       tvb_get_guint8(tvb,1));

+	if (tree) {
+	  /* Add Subtree */
+	  ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_mip, tvb, offset, -1, FALSE);
+	  mip_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_mip);
+	  /* Type */
+  	  proto_tree_add_uint(mip_tree, hf_mip_type, tvb, offset, 1, type);
+	  offset++;
+	  /* Next Header */
+	  proto_tree_add_item(mip_tree, hf_mip_nattt_nexthdr, tvb, offset, 1, FALSE);
+	  offset++;
+	  /* reserved */
+	  proto_tree_add_item(mip_tree, hf_mip_nattt_reserved, tvb, offset, 2, FALSE);
+	  offset += 2;
+	  /* encapsulated payload */
+	  next_tvb = tvb_new_subset(tvb, 4, -1, -1);
+	  call_dissector(ip_handle, next_tvb, pinfo, mip_tree);
+	  offset += tvb_reported_length_remaining(tvb, offset);
+	} /* if tree */
+	if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO))
+	  col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO,
+		       "Reg Revocation: HoA=%s HDA=%s FDA=%s",
+		       ip_to_str(tvb_get_ptr(tvb,4,4)),
+		       ip_to_str(tvb_get_ptr(tvb,8,4)),
+		       ip_to_str(tvb_get_ptr(tvb,12,4)));
+	if (tree) {
+	  ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_mip, tvb, offset, -1, FALSE);
+	  mip_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_mip);
+	  /* type */
+	  proto_tree_add_uint(mip_tree, hf_mip_type, tvb, offset, 1, type);
+	  offset++;
+	  /* reserved */
+	  proto_tree_add_item(mip_tree, hf_mip_rev_reserved, tvb, offset, 1, FALSE);
+	  offset++;
+	  /* flags */
+	  flags = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset);
+	  tf = proto_tree_add_uint(mip_tree, hf_mip_flags, tvb, offset, 2, flags);
+	  flags_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(tf, ett_mip_flags);
+	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_mip_rev_a, tvb, offset, 2, flags);
+	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_mip_rev_i, tvb, offset, 2, flags);
+	  /* reserved */
+	  proto_tree_add_uint(flags_tree, hf_mip_rev_reserved, tvb, offset, 2, flags);
+	  offset += 2;
+	  /* home address */
+	  proto_tree_add_item(mip_tree, hf_mip_homeaddr, tvb, offset, 4, FALSE);
+	  offset += 4;
+	  /* home domain address */
+	  proto_tree_add_item(mip_tree, hf_mip_hda, tvb, offset, 4, FALSE);
+	  offset += 4;
+	  /* foreign domain address */
+	  proto_tree_add_item(mip_tree, hf_mip_fda, tvb, offset, 4, FALSE);
+	  offset += 4;
+	  /* revocation identifier */
+	  proto_tree_add_item(mip_tree, hf_mip_revid, tvb, offset, 4, FALSE);
+	  offset += 4;
+	} /* if tree */
+	break;
+	if (check_col(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO))
+	  col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Reg Revocation Ack: HoA=%s",
+		       ip_to_str(tvb_get_ptr(tvb,4,4)));
+	if (tree) {
+	  ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_mip, tvb, offset, -1, FALSE);
+	  mip_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_mip);
+	  /* type */
+	  proto_tree_add_uint(mip_tree, hf_mip_type, tvb, offset, 1, type);
+	  offset++;
+	  /* reserved */
+	  proto_tree_add_item(mip_tree, hf_mip_ack_reserved, tvb, offset, 1, FALSE);
+	  offset++;
+	  /* flags */
+	  flags = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset);
+	  tf = proto_tree_add_uint(mip_tree, hf_mip_flags, tvb, offset, 2, flags);
+	  flags_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(tf, ett_mip_flags);
+	  proto_tree_add_boolean(flags_tree, hf_mip_ack_i, tvb, offset, 2, flags);
+	  /* reserved */
+	  proto_tree_add_uint(flags_tree, hf_mip_ack_reserved, tvb, offset, 2, flags);
+	  offset += 2;
+	  /* home address */
+	  proto_tree_add_item(mip_tree, hf_mip_homeaddr, tvb, offset, 4, FALSE);
+	  offset += 4;
+	  /* revocation identifier */
+	  proto_tree_add_item(mip_tree, hf_mip_revid, tvb, offset, 4, FALSE);
+	  offset += 4;
+	} /* if tree */
+	break;
  } /* End switch */

  if (tree) {
@@ -427,6 +733,11 @@
		   FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, 2,
		   "Reverse tunneling requested", HFILL }
+	  { &hf_mip_x,
+		 { "Reserved",           "mip.x",
+		   FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, 1,
+		   "Reserved", HFILL }
+	  },
	  { &hf_mip_code,
		 { "Reply Code",           "mip.code",
			FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, VALS(mip_reply_codes), 0,
@@ -463,9 +774,9 @@
			FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, VALS(mip_ext_types), 0,
			"Mobile IP Extension Type.", HFILL }
-	  { &hf_mip_ext_stype,
+	  { &hf_mip_gaext_stype,
		 { "Gen Auth Ext SubType",           "mip.ext.auth.subtype",
-			FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, VALS(mip_ext_stypes), 0,
+			FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, VALS(mip_gaext_stypes), 0,
			"Mobile IP Auth Extension Sub Type.", HFILL }
	  { &hf_mip_ext_len,
@@ -493,6 +804,174 @@
			"NAI", HFILL }
+          { &hf_mip_rext_flags,
+	    	 {"Rev Ext Flags",             "mip.ext.rev.flags",
+			FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0,
+			"Revocation Support Extension Flags", HFILL}
+	  },
+          { &hf_mip_rext_i,
+		 { "'I' bit Support",          "mip.ext.rev.i",
+			FT_BOOLEAN, 16, NULL, 32768,
+			"Agent surevidpports Inform bit in Revocation", HFILL }
+          },
+          { &hf_mip_rext_reserved,
+		 { "Reserved",                 "mip.ext.rev.reserved",
+			FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x7fff,
+			"", HFILL }
+          },
+          { &hf_mip_rext_tstamp,
+		 { "Timestamp",                "mip.ext.rev.tstamp",
+			"Revocation Timestamp of Sending Agent", HFILL }
+          },
+	  { &hf_mip_rev_reserved,
+		 { "Reserved",                 "mip.rev.reserved",
+			FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0,
+			"", HFILL}
+	  },
+          { &hf_mip_rev_a,
+		 { "Home Agent",               "mip.rev.a",
+			FT_BOOLEAN, 16, NULL, 32768,
+			"Revocation sent by Home Agent", HFILL }
+          },
+          { &hf_mip_rev_i,
+		 { "Inform",                   "mip.rev.i",
+			FT_BOOLEAN, 16, NULL, 16384,
+			"Inform Mobile Node", HFILL }
+          },
+	  { &hf_mip_rev_reserved2,
+		 { "Reserved",                 "mip.rev.reserved2",
+			FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x3fff,
+			"", HFILL}},
+          { &hf_mip_hda,
+		 { "Home Domain Address",      "mip.rev.hda",
+			FT_IPv4, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
+			"Revocation Home Domain IP Address", HFILL }
+	  },
+          { &hf_mip_fda,
+		 { "Foreign Domain Address",   "mip.rev.fda",
+			FT_IPv4, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
+			"Revocation Foreign Domain IP Address", HFILL }
+	  },
+          { &hf_mip_revid,
+		 { "Revocation Identifier",    "mip.revid",
+			"Revocation Identifier of Initiating Agent", HFILL }
+          },
+	  { &hf_mip_ack_reserved,
+		 { "Reserved",                 "mip.ack.reserved",
+			FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0,
+			"", HFILL}
+	  },
+          { &hf_mip_ack_i,
+		 { "Inform",                   "mip.ack.i",
+			FT_BOOLEAN, 16, NULL, 32768,
+			"Inform Mobile Node", HFILL }
+          },
+	  { &hf_mip_ack_reserved2,
+		 { "Reserved",                 "mip.ack.reserved2",
+			FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x7fff,
+			"", HFILL}},
+	  { &hf_mip_dhaext_stype,
+		 { "DynHA Ext SubType",        "mip.ext.dynha.subtype",
+			FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, VALS(mip_dhaext_stypes), 0,
+			"Dynamic HA Extension Sub-type", HFILL }
+	  },
+	  { &hf_mip_dhaext_addr,
+		 { "DynHA Home Agent",         "mip.ext.dynha.ha",
+			FT_IPv4, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0,
+			"Dynamic Home Agent IP Address", HFILL }
+	  },
+	  { &hf_mip_mstrext_stype,
+		 { "MsgStr Ext SubType",       "mip.ext.msgstr.subtype",
+			FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, VALS(mip_mstrext_stypes), 0,
+			"Message String Extension Sub-type", HFILL }
+	  },
+	  { &hf_mip_mstrext_text,
+		 { "MsgStr Text",              "mip.ext.msgstr.text",
+			"Message String Extension Text", HFILL }
+	  },
+	  { &hf_mip_nattt_nexthdr,
+		 { "NATTT NextHeader",         "mip.nattt.nexthdr",
+			FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, VALS(mip_nattt_nexthdr), 0,
+			"NAT Traversal Tunnel Next Header.", HFILL }
+	  },
+	  { &hf_mip_nattt_reserved,
+		 { "Reserved",                 "mip.nattt.reserved",
+			FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, NULL , 0x0,
+			"", HFILL }
+	  },
+	  { &hf_mip_utrqext_stype,
+		 { "UDP TunReq Ext SubType",   "mip.ext.utrq.subtype",
+			FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, VALS(mip_utrqext_stypes), 0,
+			"UDP Tunnel Request Extension Sub-type", HFILL }
+	  },
+	  { &hf_mip_utrqext_reserved1,
+		 { "Reserved 1",                "mip.ext.utrq.reserved1",
+			FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0,
+			"", HFILL }
+	  },
+	  { &hf_mip_utrqext_flags,
+		 { "UDP TunReq Ext Flags",     "mip.ext.utrq.flags",
+			FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0,
+			"UDP Tunnel Request Extension Flags", HFILL }
+	  },
+	  { &hf_mip_utrqext_f,
+		 { "Req Forced",               "mip.ext.utrq.f",
+			FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, 128,
+			"MN wants to Force UDP Tunneling", HFILL }
+	  },
+	  { &hf_mip_utrqext_r,
+		 { "FA Registration Required", "mip.ext.utrq.r",
+			FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, 64,
+			"Registration through FA Required", HFILL }
+	  },
+	  { &hf_mip_utrqext_reserved2,
+		 { "Reserved 2",                "mip.ext.utrq.reserved2",
+			FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x3f,
+			"", HFILL }
+	  },
+	  { &hf_mip_utrqext_encap_type,
+		 { "UDP Encap Type",           "mip.ext.utrq.encaptype",
+			FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, VALS(mip_utrqext_encap_types), 0,
+			"UDP Encapsulation Type", HFILL }
+	  },
+	  { &hf_mip_utrqext_reserved3,
+		 { "Reserved 3",                "mip.ext.utrq.reserved3",
+			FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0,
+			"", HFILL }
+	  },
+	  { &hf_mip_utrpext_stype,
+		 { "UDP TunRep Ext SubType",   "mip.ext.utrp.subtype",
+			FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, VALS(mip_utrpext_stypes), 0,
+			"UDP Tunnel Reply Extension Sub-type", HFILL }
+	  },
+	  { &hf_mip_utrpext_code,
+		 { "UDP TunRep Code",           "mip.ext.utrp.code",
+			FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, VALS(mip_utrpext_codes), 0,
+			"UDP Tunnel Reply Code", HFILL }
+	  },
+	  { &hf_mip_utrpext_flags,
+		 { "UDP TunRep Ext Flags",           "mip.ext.utrp.flags",
+ 			FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0,
+ 			"UDP Tunnel Request Extension Flags", HFILL }
+	  },
+	  { &hf_mip_utrpext_f,
+		 { "Rep Forced",                    "mip.ext.utrp.f",
+ 			FT_BOOLEAN, 16, NULL, 32768,
+			"HA wants to Force UDP Tunneling", HFILL }
+	  },
+	  { &hf_mip_utrpext_reserved,
+		 { "Reserved",           "mip.ext.utrp.reserved",
+ 			FT_UINT16, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x7fff,
+			"", HFILL }
+	  },
+	  { &hf_mip_utrpext_keepalive,
+		 { "Keepalive Interval",            "mip.ext.utrp.keepalive",
+			"NAT Keepalive Interval", HFILL }
+	  }

	/* Setup protocol subtree array */
@@ -520,5 +999,6 @@
	dissector_handle_t mip_handle;

	mip_handle = find_dissector("mip");
+	ip_handle = find_dissector("ip");
	dissector_add("udp.port", UDP_PORT_MIP, mip_handle);

Attachment: mip.patch
Description: Binary data